
Anastasia Zhuravleva

FB 1: Ozeanzirkulation und Klimadynamik
FE Paläo-Ozeanographie


Wischhofstraße 1-3
24148 Kiel


Scientific interests

I am currently leading a Marie Curie project "MIS-5e" with Eleni Anagnostou (91̽»¨), Sophie Hines (WHOI) and Kassandra Costa (WHOI). This project seeks to understand the feedbacks between ocean circulation variability and carbon cycling during the last interglacial, a geological period that was slightly warmer than today. For our research, we will use geochemical proxy indicators of past ocean and climate state (e.g., εNd, δ13C, Cd/Ca, δ11B) derived from several North Atlantic sediment cores and corals.

My research interests include

  • understanding past changes in the North Atlantic circulation and their impacts on climate
  • tropical-extratropical and interhemispheric climate teleconnections
  • carbon cycling during the last interglacial
  • climate reconstructions on different time scales


Research experience

2023 - present:
Marie SkÅ‚odowska-Curie Postdoctoral Global Fellow at 91̽»¨ & WHOI

2021 - 2023:
Postdoctoral Research Assistant at Dalhousie University & 91̽»¨

2018, 2020 - 2021:
Postdoctoral Research Assistant at Academy of Sciences and Literature, Mainz & 91̽»¨

2014 - 2018:
Doctoral Research Assistant at Academy of Sciences and Literature, Mainz

2013 - 2014:
Research Assistant at 91̽»¨ & Köppen Laboratory, St. Petersburg University



Doctorate in Natural Science (Annette Barthelt Award for excellent doctoral research), Kiel University

M.Sc. in Ecology and Nature Management, Hamburg University & St. Petersburg University

B.Sc. in Geoecology and Nature Management, St. Petersburg University



Zhuravleva, A., Bauch, H.A., Mohtadi, M., Fahl, K., and Kienast, M. (accepted): Caribbean salinity anomalies contributed to variable North Atlantic circulation and climate during the Common Era. Science Advances. .

Zhuravleva, A., Hüls, M., Tiedemann, R., and Bauch H. A. (2021): A 125-ka record of northern South American precipitation and the role of high-to-low latitude teleconnections. Quat. Sci Rev. 270, 107159. .

Zhuravleva, A., and Bauch, H. A. (2018): Last interglacial ocean changes in the Bahamas: climate teleconnections between low and high latitudes. Clim. Past 14, 1361-1375. .

Kuznetsov, V. Yu., Tabuns, E.V., Kuksa, K.A., Cherkashov, G.A., Bel’tenev, V.E., Arslanov, Kh.A., Maksimov, F.E., Lazareva, L.I., Zhuravleva, A.I., Petrov, A.Yu., and Grigoriev, V.A. (2018): Chronology of Hydrothermal Activity Within the Yubileynoye Ore Field (Mid-Atlantic Ridge, 20°08′ N). Dokl. Earth Sci 480(2), 700-704. .

Zhuravleva, A., Bauch, H.A., and Van Nieuwenhove, N. (2017): Last Interglacial (MIS5e) hydrographic shifts linked to meltwater discharges from the East Greenland margin. Quat. Sci Rev. 164, 95-109. .

Zhuravleva, A., Bauch, H.A., and Spielhagen, R.F. (2017): Atlantic water heat transfer through the Arctic Gateway (Fram Strait) during the Last Interglacial. Glob. Planet. Change 157, 232-243.