Dr. Björn Raupers

Postdoctoral Researcher

RD 2: Marine Biogeochemistry
RU Chemical Oceanography

Room 12/203
Tel.: 0049 431 600 2658
E-Mail: braupers(at)geomar.de

91̽»¨ Helmholtz Centre for Ocean Research Kiel
Building 12, east shore
Wischhofstrasse 1-3
24148 Kiel

Research Interests

  • Munition compounds
  • Chemical warfare agents
  • Trace analysis
  • Mass spectrometry
  • Sensor development
  • Seawater analytics






Raupers, B., Passig, J., Gehm, C., Beck, A. J., Esposito, M., Gledhill, M., ... & Achterberg, E. P. (2023). In situ detection of munition compounds in coastal waters. TrAC Trends in Analytical Chemistry, 117084.

Technical consultation - Qiu, L., Esposito, M., Martínez-Cabanas, M., Achterberg, E. P., & Li, Q. (2023). Autonomous high-frequency time-series observations of total alkalinity in dynamic estuarine waters. Marine Chemistry, 104332.

Bußmann, I. , Anselm, N. , Brix, H. , Kamjunke, N. , Koschorreck, M. , Raupers, B. and Sanders, T. (2023): The MOSES Sternfahrt Expeditions of the Research Vessels ALBIS, LITTORINA, LUDWIG PRANDTL, MYA II and UTHÖRN to the Elbe River, Elbe Estuary and German Bight in 2022 / H. Bornemann and S. Amir Sawadkuhi (editors), Berichte zur Polar- und Meeresforschung = Reports on polar and marine research, Bremerhaven, Alfred-Wegener-Institut Helmholtz-Zentrum für Polar- und Meeresforschung, 778 , 73 p.

Raupers B, Medhat H, Grotemeyer J, Gunzer F. Numerical analysis of trajectories in a Cassinian ion trap of second order with trap door ion inlet. European Journal of Mass Spectrometry. 2021;27(1):3-12.

Dissertation, Massenspektrometrische Untersuchungen und Simulationen zur Verbesserung des Auflösungsvermögens und der Weiterentwicklung einer Cassini-Ionenfalle B. Raupers

Raupers, B., Medhat, H., Gunzer, F., & Grotemeyer, J. (2019). Influence of the trap length on the performance of Cassinian ion traps: A simulation study. International Journal of Mass Spectrometry438, 55-62. 

Ihlenborg, M., Raupers, B., Gunzer, F., & Grotemeyer, J. (2015). A comparative study of APLI and APCI in IMS at atmospheric pressure to reveal and explain peak broadening effects by the use of APLI. Analyst140 (22), 7565-7571

Bachelor thesis - Eifert, A., Langenwalter, P., Higl, J., Lindén, M., Nebel, C. E., Mizaikoff, B., & Kranz, C. (2014). Focused ion beam (FIB)-induced changes in the electrochemical behavior of boron-doped diamond (BDD) electrodes. Electrochimica Acta130, 418-425.