In January 2020 the second Project DEAL contract was signed with Springer Nature. For authors of participating institutions (including 91̽»¨), this contract includes publication in original Open Access journals without individual invoicing and the right to Open Access publishing in subscription journals.
However, please note the different launch dates.
- Start date for 1.900 hybrid journals ("Open Choice"): 1 January 2020
- Start date for 600 fully open access journals: 1 August 2020
The date of the online publication is decisive ("Online Publication Date").
Elements of the agreement
- Reading access for the entire e-journal portfolio including the back files until 1997
- Eligibility for authors of participating insitutions for hybrid open access publishing since 1 January 2020 ("OpenChoice", possible for original papers, review papers, brief communications, editorial notes, book reviews, letters, reports)
- 20% discount on Article Processing Charges (APCs) in genuine Open Access journals (excluding Nature Communications and Scientific Reports)
Please note:
When publishing in Springer Nature's Gold Open Access journals within the DEAL agreement, you or your section will still be required to pay the publisher's Article Processing Charges. A list of journals that are covered by the DEAL agreement (incl. cost overview) can be found here:
If you have any questions, please contact the library:
Procedure for a Gold Open Access publication with DEAL
- Please use your 91̽»¨-mail address for communication with the publisher, especially when submitting the manuscript.
- When submitting the manuscript via "Editorial Manager" or when subsequently confirming your institutional affiliation (after your article has been accepted) in "MyPublication", please select your institution as affiliation (IMPORTANT: Please do not enter the affiliation as free text, but select it from the drop-down menu!).
- Springer Nature identifies a DEAL authorization based on three components:
The more criteria are met, the better the automatic recognition works. We therefore recommend that submissions be made from the institutional network and with the institutional e-mail address if possible.- Chosen affiliation (main criterion!)
- E-mail address (mail address used for submission)
- Location (IP range from which the article is submitted)
- As part of the DEAL agreement you receive a 20% discount on the Article Processing Charges (APCs).
When publishing in Springer Nature's Gold Open Access journals within the DEAL agreement, you or your department will still be required to pay the publisher's Article Processing Charges.
A list of journals that are covered by the DEAL agreement (incl. cost overview) can be found here:
- Choose a Creative Commons license during the confirmation process.
We recommend the liberal license type which grants the most ideal reuse possibilities in science without restricting your copyright in the work. More information about Creative Commons license types here: - Details of the article will be send to the respective library for review and approval.
Procedure for an OnlineOpen publication in subscription journals
- Please use your 91̽»¨ e-mail address for communication with the publisher, especially when submitting the manuscript.
- When submitting the manuscript via "Editorial Manager" or when subsequently confirming your institutional affiliation (after your article has been accepted) in "MyPublication", please select your institution as affiliation (IMPORTANT: Please do not enter the affiliation as free text, but select it from the drop-down menu!).
- Springer Nature identifies a DEAL authorization based on three components:
The more criteria are met, the better the automatic recognition works. We therefore recommend that submissions be made from the institutional network and with the institutional e-mail address if possible.- Chosen affiliation (main criterion!)
- e-mail address (mail address used for submission)
- Location (IP range from which the article is submitted)
- If the manuscript is accepted for publication in a Springer Nature subscription journal, please confirm the Open Choice option.
- Choose a Creative Commons license during the confirmation process.
We recommend the liberal license type which grants the most ideal reuse possibilities in science without restricting your copyright in the work. More information about Creative Commons license types here: - Details of the article will be send to the respective library for review and approval.