M.Sc. Claudeilton S. de Santana
DAAD Ph.D. student at 91̽»¨ Helmholtz Center for Ocean Research Kiel
Research Unit 2: Marine Biogeochemistry
Working Group: Plankton Biogeochemistry and Dynamics
Email: csantana(at)geomar.de
Address: M.Sc. Claudeilton de Santana, Wischhofstr. 1-3, building 2, room 3217, 24148 Kiel, Germany
I am a Biologist and marine ecologist interested in zooplankton dynamics from tropical areas. Currently I am a DAAD Ph.D. fellowship holder at 91̽»¨ Helmholtz Centre for Ocean Research Kiel. I do research in planktology, marine biology, taxonomy, ecology of planktonic decapods, and size spectra analysis of zooplankton and particles provided by ZooScan device and Underwater Vision Profiler (UVP5 and 6), mostly in marines areas under influence of Amazon River.
Skills and expertise
Marine Ecology \ Marine Biodiversity \ Conservation Biology \ Biological Oceanography \ Marine Invertebrate Biology \ Taxonomy \ Community Structure \ Ecosystem Ecology \ Zooscan \ UVP \ Plankton imaging \ Environmental Monitoring \ Scientific photography \ Python language \ Data analysis \ Graphic design.
- 2021 - ongoing: DAAD Ph.D. student in Natural Sciences (Dr. rer. nat.), 91̽»¨ Helmholtz Centre for Ocean Research Kiel | Christian-Albrechts-Universität zu Kiel – CAU Kiel (Kiel, Germany). Advisors: Prof. Dr. Rainer Kiko, Dr. Helena Hauss
- 2017 - 2019: M.Sc. degree in Oceanography at Federal University of Pernambuco (UFPE), Recife - Brazil. Master's thesis: Diversity and spatial variation of planktonic decapods of the retroflection and plume of the Amazon River, Brazil.
- 2013 - 2016: Bachelor's degree in Biological Sciences at Federal University of Pernambuco (UFPE), Recife - Brazil. Bachelors's thesis: Planktonic decapods from the coastal area of the Fernando de Noronha Archipelago.
Publications in peer-reviewed journals (accepted and published)
- de Santana CS, Lira SMA, Varona H, Neumann-Leitão S, Araujo M, Schwamborn R (2020) Amazon river plume influence on planktonic decapods in the tropical Atlantic. Journal of Marine Systems 212, 103428. DOI:
- de Santana CS, Schwamborn R, Neumann-Leitão S, Montes MJF, Lira SMA (2018) Spatiotemporal variation of planktonic decapods along the leeward coast of the Fernando de Noronha archipelago, Brazil. Brazilian Journal of Oceanography (ONLINE) 66, 1 - 14. DOI:
- Lira SMA, de Santana CS, Varona H, Noriega C, Araújo M, Schwamborn R (2022) Database of Anomalies in the Caribbean Sea (biological parameters): DACS-BIO. Science Data Bank, version. 1 (Dataset). DOI:
- Campelo RPS, Lima CDM, de Santana CS, da Silva AJ, Neumann-Leitão S, Ferreira BP, Soares MO, Melo Júnior M, Castro Melo PAM (2021) Oil spills: The invisible impact on the base of tropical marine food webs. Marine Pollution Bulletin 167, 112281. DOI:
- Soares MO et al. (2020) Oil spill in South Atlantic (Brazil): Environmental and governmental disaster. Marine Policy 115, 103879. DOI:
- Lira SMA, de Santana CS, Schwamborn R, (2018) First record of Naushonia sp. (Decapoda: Laomediidae) larva from the Equatorial Atlantic. Zootaxa 4387, 183 – 194. DOI:
- Campelo RPS, Melo Júnior M, de Santana CS, Bezerra LEA, Neumann-Leittão S (2018) Morphological abnormalities in Corycaeus speciosus Dana, 1849 (Copepoda, Cyclopoida) from the area of an Equatorial Atlantic Island. Cahiers De Biologie Marine 59, 187 – 191. DOI:
- Lira SMA, Santana CS, Lima CDM, Montes MJF, Schwamborn R (2017) New records of the larval forms Cerataspis monstrosa and Amphionides reynaudii (Crustacea: Decapoda) from the western tropical Atlantic. Zootaxa 4237, 335 – 346. DOI:
Book chapters
- Cunha AG, de Santana CS, Lima CDM, Teixeira I, Lira SMA, Schwamborn R (2017) Decapoda In: Biodiversidade marinha da Bacia Potiguar/RN - Zooplâncton. 1 ed. Rio de Janeiro: Museu Nacional 1, 181-208
- Schwamborn R..., de Santana CS et al. (2023) Zoo- and ichthyoplankton communities of pelagic ecosystems in the western tropical Atlantic In: INCT AmbTropic - Tropical Marine Environments of Brazil. 1 ed. Cham: Springer International Publishing. DOI: 10.1007/978-3-031-21329-8_7
Conference paper
- Santana CS, Lira SMA, Neumann-Leitão S, Campelo RPS, Silva KHF, Silva TR, Brito-Lolaia M, Lima CDM, Schwamborn R (2018) Variação espacial de decápodes planctônicos da retroflexão e pluma do rio Amazonas, Brasil In: X Congresso Brasileiro sobre Crustáceos. Conference book of the X Brazilian Congress about Crustaceans. Sociedade Brasileira de Carcinologia 1, 103 – 106.
- Schwamborn R, Neumann-Leitão S, Silva NL, Lira SMA, Campelo RPS, Santos G, Costa A, Figueiredo L, Santana CS (2015) Variação sazonal e espacial da biomassa zooplanctônica na Plataforma Continental ao largo de Tamandaré (Pernambuco, Brasil) In: 5º Congresso Brasileiro de Biologia Marinha, Ipojuca. Conference book of the 5th Brazilian Congress of Marine Biology.
Presentation of paper and lectures
- de Santana C S, Hauss H, Kiko R (2024) Influence of the Amazon River Plume on plankton distribution in Western Tropical Atlantic. ICES-PICES 7th International Zooplankton Production Symposium March, 2024, Hobart, Australia (S08-17339 ECOP oral presentation)
- de Santana C S, Hauss H, Schwamborn R, Kiko R (2023) Influence of the Amazon River Plume on particles and zooplankton distribution in the Tropical Atlantic. TRIATLAS Final Meeting, Banyuls-sur-Mer, France (oral presentation)
- de Santana CS. (2023) Influence of the Amazon River Plume on particles and zooplankton distribution in the Tropical Atlantic. ICYMARE - International Conference for Young Marine Researchers, Oldenburg, Germany (oral presentation)
- de Santana CS. (2021) Zooplankton: How to prepare for sampling. On-line conference UNEB Campus VIII - Paulo Afonso (Lecture)
- de Santana CS, Lira SMA, Neumann-Leitão S, Campelo RPS, Silva KHF, Silva TR, Brito-Lolaia M, Lima CDM, Schwamborn R. X Brazilian Congress about Crustaceans (2018 Spatial variation of planktonic decapods from the retroflection and plume of the Amazon River, Brazil (Congress, oral presentation)
- de Santana CS, Schwamborn R, Neumann-Leitão S, Montes MJF, Lira SMA. XXII Brazilian Congress of Zoology (2018) Spatio-temporal variation of planktonic decapods off the Fernando de Noronha Archipelago, Brazil (Congress, oral presentation)
- Lira SMA, de Santana CS, Schwamborn R. XXII Brazilian Congress of Zoology (2018) First record of a larva of the genus Naushonia (Decapoda: Laomediidae) for the Equatorial Atlantic (Congress, oral presentation
- Santana CS, Schwamborn R, Montes MJF, Lira SMA. IX Brazilian congress about Crustaceans (2016) Seasonal variation and diversity of planktonic decapods in the leeward coastal area of the Fernando de Noronha Archipelago (Congress, poster presentation)
- Santana CS, Lira SMA, Arruda J, Schwamborn R. IX Brazilian congress about Crustaceans (2016) Variación y patrones morfológicos del cangrejo Johngarthia lagostoma (H. MILNE EDWARDS, 1837) en ambientes insulares brasileiros (Congress, poster presentation)
Examination Board
- Schwamborn R, Lira SMA, de Santana CS, Neumann-Leitão S (2021) Course Conclusion Work. Mikaelle H S da Silva - Analysis of the 64, 200, and 300 micrometers plankton nets selectivity for micro and mesozooplankton in Tamandaré Bay, Pernambuco. Bachelor's degree in Biological Sciences, Federal University of Pernambuco (Examining board titular member)