Dr. rer. nat. David Hohn

Research Scientist

Research Division 1: Ocean Circulation and Climate Dynamics
Research Unit: Marine Meteorology

Office: 4.306
Phone: +49 431 600 - 1568
E-Mail: dhohn(at)geomar.de

Research Interests

Research project:  :

  • What happens when CO2 emissions stop?
  • How much warming is already committed to the climate?
  • Which earth system processes are important after emissions stop?
  • How (un)certain are the climate models?

  • statistics
  • parameter estimation
  • machine learning

Academic Education

2013 - 2018

Dr. rer. nat. Physics, Rheinische Friedrich-Wilhelms-Universität Bonn (DE). Dissertation: "Search for top-quark-pair associated Higgs production with tau leptons using the ATLAS detector at the LHC"

2011 - 2013

MSc Physics, Universiteit van Amsterdam (NL). Thesis: "Higgs Spin and Parity Determination in the H→W(∗)W∗→eνμν Decay Channel using BDTs with the ATLAS Detector"

2008 - 2011

BSc Liberal Arts and Sciences, Roosevelt Academy, Middelburg (NL). Thesis: "The Stepping Stone Model"

Work Experience

2022 - present

research scientist, 91̽»¨

  • analysis of climate models in zero-emissions scenarios
2018 - 2021

physicist/data scientist, Albert-Ludwigs-Universität Freiburg (DE)

  • supervision of early career scientists and students
  • data analysis for ATLAS collaboration, presenting results in peer-reviewed journals and on conferences
  • project coordination und software development in LHC Computing community
  • devops computing centre of physics insistute
  • identity certificate management
2013 - 2018

physicist/data scientist, Rheinische Friedrich-Wilhelms-Universität Bonn (DE)

  • data analysis for ATLAS collaboration, first evidence of ttH process
  • devops computing centre of physics insistute
2015 - 2016

reasearch stay CERN, Genf (CH)

  • real-time data-taking in ATLAS control room