Ocean Acidification - the Other Carbon Dioxide Problem

From the Arctic to the tropics, changes life in the sea. By absorbing carbon dioxide (CO2) from the atmosphere, the ocean slows down global climate change. But in seawater, the greenhouse gas causes a chemical reaction with far-reaching consequences: carbonic acid is formed, and the pH drops. any plants and animals that build their shells or skeletons of calcium carbonate are at serious risk, because they need more energy to maintain growth in more acidic water. Also the development of important food fish can be affected. Organisms that convert carbon dioxide into energy by photosynthesis, however, could benefit. In addition, certain species are able to adapt to new conditions in the long run. The roles in the are redefined, while other factors such as rising temperatures, loss of oxygen, eutrophication, pollution or overfishing additionally might further influence the effects of ocean acidification.


Reactions of marine organisms to increasing ocean acidification

Marine organisms react very differently to increasing ocean acidification. The figure shows how different species might react to acidification depending on the decrease in pH (left scale) and the increasing CO2 concentration (right scale). The curves show four scenarios for CO2 development during the 21st century. Source: Modified after C. Turley et al. Mar. Pollut. Bull. 60, 787-792 (2010)


BIOACID - Exploring Ocean Change

Between 2009 and 2017, the German research network inves颅tigated how different marine species respond to ocean acidification, how these reactions impact the food web as well as material cycles and energy turnover in the ocean, and what conse颅quences these changes have for economy and society. More than 250 members of 20 German research institutes, representing a broad range of marine science disciplines, participated in the project coordinated at 91探花.


Prof. Dr. Ulf Riebesell, marine biologist at and coordinator of the German research network on ocean acidification , has been among the first scientists who investigated the effects of carbon dioxide on marine organisms. In this , Prof. Dr. Ulf Riebesell reports how the , 鈥済iant test tubes鈥, help researchers to find out more about the reactions of to 鈥 and what these field experiments mean to him.


Research News: Ocean Acidification

View above and under water, you can see foil domes and a long transparent hose under water

How do marine food webs respond to increasing alkalinity?

First study shows promising results

Large transparent plastic umbrellas float on the water and are attached to a pier

How does the addition of rock powder affect marine life?

Multi-week experiment in the Ocean Alk-Align project starts again in Kiel Fjord

A large research vessel at sea

Above and Below Water: Understanding Human Impact on the Bay of Bengal

SONNE Expedition SO305 Creates First Comprehensive Dataset on Biogeochemistry

Online Photo Gallery

In a of the BIOACID project, the two nature photographers and present BIOACID members at their work and introduce organisms that current ocean acidification research focuses on.