91̽»¨ Women`s Executive Board (WEB)

The Women‘s Executive Board aims at fostering a modern equal opportunity-oriented culture at 91̽»¨ through equal participation of men and women at all levels and would also like to promote and encourage qualified and motivated women to stay in science. "We would like to show ways to contribute in the long term to an equal gender ratio at permanent and leadership positions. There is already an equal gender ratio at the PhD level and short-term postdoctoral positions; the percentage of women at this stage is between 42 and 51 (status: 31.12.2015). However, the proportion of women on permanent scientist and professorship positions is heavily underrepresented (between 17 and 19 percent). The goal of the newly implemented gender equality plan is to rise this percentage until 2019 to 25 on permanent scientist and 30 percent on professorship positions."

More information about the WEB can be found here 

The new OSCM building
  • Sarah Kaehlert

    91̽»¨ Helmholtz Centre for Ocean Research Kiel
    Wischhofstr. 1-3
    D-24148 Kiel

    Phone: +49-431 600-1815
    e-mail:  skaehlert(at)geomar.de

    Film and video projects, footage