Plankton Biogeochemistry and Imaging
In the Plankton Biogeochemistry and Imaging group we investigate the distribution of plankton - drifting organisms in the nm to m range -, and detrital particles on different spatial and temporal scales in order to understand the importance of these organisms and particles for biogeochemical cycles. For our data collection we use in situ camera systems and laboratory equipment from various manufacturers, and develop our own camera systems. The acquired image data are classified using AI methods and combined with other environmental data to better understand the dynamics of plankton communities and passive article export in the ocean. In order to generate reliable data for the parameterisation of plankton and particle distribution in biogeochemical models, we investigate the influence of eddies and currents, extreme environmental conditions (e.g. low oxygen levels, high temperatures) as well as the daily vertical migration of plankton.