Marine Geodynamics - Projects
Helmholtz AI project (1.7.2023 - 30.06.2026) - BRASS, SO312
Seismic structure of the Brothers volcano - CATRA
Northern Cascadia: Extent of locked zone, prism deformation, slip-to-toe, and the edge of subduction - DYNAMET
geoDYNAmics & METallogeny - Eurofleets+ HYDEE OBS
- GeoSEA
Geodetic Earthquake Observatory on the Seafloor
- Chile
- Marmara Sea
- Mount Etna - MAWACAAP, SO310
Quantifying the role of MAss WAsting in submarine CAnyons on Active and Passive margins
Automated event detection and data-analytics in distributed seafloor sensor networks - MarDATA
Smart Networks - MOLA
DAM mareXtreme MULTI-MAREX: Ein Real-Labor für verbesserte Prognose- und Aktionsmöglichkeiten für multiple geomarine Extremereignisse - PERBAS
Permanent sequestration of gigatons of CO2 in continental margin basalt deposits - PISAGUA
Slow sliding of volcanic flanks as PREcursor to catastrophic COLLAPSE - REE-T
Reconstructing volcanic eruptions and Tsunamis of Krakatau Volcano - Transit - SCIROCCO
Offshore Groundwater Resources in a Changing Marine Environment: Continental Shelf Surrounding PEI - TRANSFORMERS (ERC)
Testing Solid Earth Climate connections Through mid Ocean Ridge time series
Slope failures and active gas expulsion along the Romanian margin of the Black Sea II
Projects funded by the DFG (German Research Foundation):
AlpArray Schwerpunktprogramm - DOKU-GAS: Fluid flow in the Don-Kuban deep-sea fan (Black Sea) and deduced fluid venting at mud volcanoes and Cold Seeps; 01.11.2011-31.12.2014
- ISOLDE: Elektromagnetische, gravimetrische und seismische Messungen zwecks Erforschung des Tristan da Cunha Hotspots und dessen Rolle in der Öffnung des Südatlantischen Ozeans; Laufzeit: 01.11.2010 - 31.06.2013
- ELCONA: On/offshore deep electrical conductivity structure to investigate the Walvis Ridge magmatism and its interaction with the Kaoko Mobile Belt in northern Namibia; Laufzeit: 01.01.2009-31.12.2011
- TYRRHENIS: TYRRENIan sea Seismic experiment on continental break-up and structure of conjugated rifted margins; Das Auseinanderbrechen von Kontinenten und die Bildung und Entwicklung von passiven Kontinentalrändern am Beispiel des Tyrrhenischen Meeres; Laufzeit: 01.01.2010-31.12.2012
- : Plate re-organization in the western Mediterranean: Lithospheric causes and topographic consequences; Individualprojekt IP1-GE Ocean-bottom seismology in the Alboran Sea / Gibraltar Arc
- DIONYSUS: Deep Structure of the Ionian Sea and Sicily
- SEKT: Sector collapse kinematics and tsunami implications
Investigation of gas migration as a TRIggering mechanism for Submarine landslides on COntinental slopes
Projects funded by BMBF
Ganzheitliches Monitoring des Meeresbodens vor Chile
Submarine Gashydrat-Lagerstätten: Erkundung, Abbau und Transport
1. Phase & 2. Phase & 3. Phase - RITTER ISLAND: Tsunami potential of volcanic flank collapses
- : Understanding and modelling of cold vents
along the Hikurangi Margin (HM) off the east coast of the North Island of New Zealand - CHRIMP: CHatham RIseMethane Pockmarks
- TAIFLUX: Cooperation between Germany and Taiwan
Projects funded by EU
- Strategies for environmental monitoring of marine carbon capture and storage
- Breakthrough solutions for mineral extraction and processing in extreme environments
- : Sub-seabed CO2 storage: impact on marine ecosystems
- Managing Impacts of Deep-sea resource exploitation
Projects funded by Excellence Cluster Future Ocean:
- MASS-Andaman-Sea (Morphodynamics and Slope Stability of the Andaman Sea Shelf Break)
- Enhanced Subbottom Imagery
- Managing Impacts of Deep-seA reSource exploitation
Topographically-driven meteoric groundwater an important geomorphic agent
Other projects: