Fiene Matthies
Research Devision 4: Dynamics of the Ocean Floor
Research Unit: Marine Geodynamics
Office: 8C-202
Phone: +49 431 600-2328
Address Wischhofstraße 1-3, D-24148 Kiel
Scientific Interest
- Numerical Modeling
- Geohazards
- Rock Mechanics
- State and Evolution of the Lithospheric Stress Field
- Tectonics
Education and Career
Since 12/2022
Doctoral Researcher at 91̽»¨ Helmholtz Centre for Ocean Research, Kiel
10/2020 - 11/2022
M.Sc. in Geoscience, Leibniz Universität Hannover
09/2019 - 12/2019
Semester abroad through ISEP (International Student Exchange Program) , Brock University (St. Catherines, ON, Canada)
10/2017 - 09/2020
B.Sc. in Geoscience, Leibniz Universität Hannover
Research Cruises
RV SONNE SO299/2: REET – Reconstructing volcanic eruptions and tsunamis of Krakatau volcano
2nd Edition of the International Field Course on Physical Volcanology, Tenerife (Canary Islands), IAVCEI Commission on Volcano Geology
Academic Services
Since 01/2022
Member of the jDGGV (Young German Geological Society)
Young Scientist Book Award within the Young Scientist Session at GeoMin Köln 2022
2nd Place for talk „Impact of Glaciation and Glacial Erosion on the Stress Field in Forearcs“
Matthies, F., Morgan, J.K., Ikari, M.J., Urlaub, M., 2024. Insights from finite-element models into the origin of the Hilina Slump at Kilauea volcano (Hawaii, USA) [Poster], GeoSaxonia 2024.
Dielforder, A., Matthies, F., Hampel, A., 2024. Effects of glaciations on the tectonics of active continental margins: Insights from force-balance models and implications for the North Patagonian Andes [Poster], EGU 2024.
Matthies, F., Urlaub, M., Ikari, M., Hampel, A., 2024. Insights into the deformation pattern and the edifice stability of oceanic volcanoes from direct shear experiments and finite-element models: A case-study of Anak Krakatau (Sunda Strait, Indonesia) [Talk], Symposium on Tectonics – Structural Geology – Crystalline Geology TSK-20.
Matthies, F., Dielforder, A., Hampel, A., 2024. Force-balance modelling of the impact of glacial erosion, trench sedimentation, megathrust weakening and glacial loading on the stress state of the crust at active continental margins. Tectonophysics 871, 230180. .
Matthies, F., Urlaub, M., Ikari, M., 2023. The Influence of the Volcano Geometry and the Rock Mechanical Properties on the Edifice Stability of Oceanic Volcanoes: A Case-Study of Anak Krakatau (Sunda Strait, Indonesia) [Talk], Oceanic Volcanism Workshop.
Matthies, F., Urlaub, M., Ikari, M., 2023. Insights Into the Edifice Stability of Anak-Krakatau (Sunda Strait, Indonesia) Before the Lateral Collapse in December 2018 from Direct Shear Experiments and Finite-Element Models [Talk], GeoBerlin 2023. .
Matthies, F., Dielforder, A., Hampel, A., 2022. Impact of Glaciation and Glacial Erosion on the Stress Field in Forearcs [Talk], GeoMin Köln 2022. .