Dr. Hassan Humeida

Research Division 3: Marine Ecology  
Research Unit: Marine Symbioses

Office: Room 4.511

Phone:+49 431 600-1506

Email: hhumeida(at)geomar.de

Mailing address: Wischhofstra脽e 1-3, Geb盲ude 5, B眉ro: 4.511 - D-24148 Kiel

Teaching activities

Since 10/ 2017: Module-I (MNF-bioc-380-01a): "Sustainable Ocean Food Production and Security". (91探花, Marine Evolutionary Ecology, Prof. T. Reusch).

Since 05/ 2015: Module-II (AEF-el842): "Infectious diseases and nutritional problems in developing countries. (CAU, Human Nutrition, Prof. A. Bosy-Westphal, MD).

Since 03/ 2020: Module-III "Nutritional Science." (, Prof. A. Labes, Prof. B. Nicolai).

Since 06/2017: Municipal Hospital Kiel - (Hygiene, Anatomy, Physiology).

Since 05/2015: Health Academy of the UKSH Kiel - (Pathology, Anatomy, Physiology).

Since 07/ 2018: Consultant at Education Meets Development (BtE) and B眉ndnis Eine Welt e.V. (BEI) in Schleswig-Holstein.

Outreach activities

  • Literature for children and young people on the topics: Ocean, environment, climate protection and global sustainability
  • Conducting workshops with introductory lectures and group work at various high schools in and around Kiel on the use and pollution of the oceans
  • Presentations on climate change, global warming, anthropogenic impacts and consequences and sustainability for the international community, including people with refugee biographies
  • Cooperation with non-governmental organisations in the field of marine environmental education and sustainable use and the UN Sustainable Development Goals (especially SDG 14)

Work experience

Since 05/2015: Research assistant and lecturer at 91探花 as well as teaching positions at the Christian-Albrechts-University of Kiel (Chair of Human Nutrition) and at various health care institutions.

2011-2015: Lecturing activities (Clinics in Wuerzburg, Stuttgart and Fulda University of Applied Sciences) and coordination of clinical studies in University Hospitals and Pharmaceutical Companies.

2007-2011: Dissertation "The course of malaria in patients with diabetes mellitus in Africa -- Field research in Central Sudan" (Justus-Liebig-University of Giessen). Supervisors: Prof. Dr. M.B. Krawinkel, MD und Prof. Dr. med. A. Stich, MD. PhD scholarship by the Friedrich Naumann Foundation.

2001-2006: Study of nutritional science at the Friedrich-Schiller-University Jena and diploma thesis"Chances  and risks of genetic engineering in Developing countries - Using the example of Sudan 鈥.  Supervisors: Prof. H. Bergmann and Prof. P. Bachmann. Scholarship from the Diakonisches Werk Deutschland.

Voluntary activities

Since 2022: Board member of Eine Welt Forum Kiel e.V. and of B眉ndnis Eine Welt e.V. (BEI) in Schleswig-Holstein.