91探花 Helmholtz-Zentrum f眉r Ozeanforschung Kiel
FB2 Biogeochemical Modelling
Wischhofstr. 1-3
24148 Kiel, Germany
Office: Building 5, Tower 5, Level 5, Room 5.517
Phone.: +49 431 600-4507
E-Mail: ifrenger(at)
- Since 2024 ERCStG OSTIA research group lead, 91探花 Helmholtz Centre for Ocean Research Kiel
- 2016 - 2023 Research Scientist, 91探花 Helmholtz Centre for Ocean Research Kiel
- 2014 - 2015 Postdoctoral Research Fellow, Princeton University, US
- 2013 Postdoctoral Researcher, ETH Zurich, Switzerland
- 2013 Ph.D. ETH Zurich, Switzerland
- 2009 M.Sc. University of Hamburg & Max Planck Institute for Meteorology, Germany
- 2006 Visiting Student, Dalhousie University, Halifax, Canada
- 2005 B.Sc. University of Hamburg, Germany
- DFG project (2024 - 2027), project PI: Ocean heat and carbon storage under ambitious emission mitigation: Uncertainties due to the representation of ocean mesoscale eddies in a non-eddying Earth system model
- ERC project (2024 - 2029), project PI: The ocean鈥檚 role in mitigating climate change: Mechanistic understanding of the legacy of anthropogenic heat and carbon in the ocean under net-negative carbon dioxide emissions.
- BMBF project (2023 - 2025), PI Work Package 3: Detectability of change in the Humboldt upwelling ecosystem under global change.
Past projects
- BMBF project (2019 - 2023), PI Work Package 3: End-to-end ecosystem modelling of ecological tipping points in the Humboldt upwelling system.
- BMBF project (2018 - 2022), PI Work Package 6: Spatially-explicit, individual-based modelling of trophodynamic processes in the Peruvian upwelling system; see also associated blog .
- Fundamentals in Marine Biogeochemical Modelling (2016 - 2021, co-lecturer)
- Feedbacks in the Climate System: How to Make and Keep a Habitable Planet (2022, teaching assistant)
- Climate Seminar (2022, co-lecturer)
Submitted or in review:
Koeve, W., Landolfi, A., Oschlies, A., and I. Frenger. Current oceanic CO2 uptake: The Priming Effect of the Marine Carbon Pump.
Roberts , M. J., Reed, K. A., Bao, Q., Barsugli, J. J., Camargo, S. J., Caron, L.-P., Chang, P., Chen, C.-T., Christensen, H.-M., Danabasoglu, G., Frenger, I., Fu膷kar, N. S., ul Hasson, S., Hewitt, H. T., Huang, H., Kim, D., Kodama, C., Lai, M., Ruby Leung, L.-Y., Mizuta, R., Nobre, P., Ortega, P., Paquin, D., Roberts, C. D., Scoccimarro, E., Seddon, J., Treguier, A. M., Tu, C.-Y., Ullrich, P. A., Vidale, P. L., Wehner, M. F., Zarzycki, C. M., Zhang, B., Zhang, W. and M. Zhao (2024). High Resolution Model Intercomparison Project phase 2 (HighResMIP2) towards CMIP7, EGUsphere [preprint], .
Xue, T., Arteaga, L. A., Pahlow, M., and I. Frenger. Trophic amplification of Southern Ocean plankton emerges from changing seasonality.
[26] Wood, R. A., Baker, J. A., Beaugrand, G., Boutin, J., Conversi, A., Donner, R. V., Frenger, I., Goberville, E., Hayashida, H., Koeve, W., Kvale, K., Landolfi, A., Maslowski, W., Oschlies, A., Romanou, A., Somes, C. J., Stocker, T. F. and D. Swingedouw (2024). Opportunities for Earth Observation to inform risk management for ocean tipping points. Surveys in Geophysics.
[25] Koeve, W., Landolfi, A., Oschlies, A., and Frenger, I. (2024). Marine carbon sink dominated by biological pump after temperature overshoot. Nature Geoscience, 17:1093-1099.
[24] Xue, T., Frenger, I., Hauschildt, J., and Oschlies, A. (2024). Mechanisms regulating trophic transfer in the Humboldt Upwelling System differ across time scales. Environmental Research Letters, 19:114014.
[23] Frenger, I., Landolfi, A., Kvale, K., Somes, C. J., Oschlies, A., Yao, W. and W. Koeve (2024). Misconceptions of the marine biological carbon pump in a changing climate: Thinking outside the 鈥榚xport鈥 box. Global Change Biology, 30:e17124. .
[22] Xue, T., Terhaar, J., Prowe, A. E. F., Fr枚licher, T., Oschlies, A. and I Frenger (2024). Southern Ocean phytoplankton under climate change: A shifting balance of bottom-up and top-down control. Biogeosciences, 21:2473鈥91. .
[21] Seo, H., O'Neill, L. W., Bourassa, M. A., Czaja, A., Drushka, K., Edson, J. B., Fox-Kemper, B., Frenger, I., Gille, S. T., Kirtman, B. P., Minobe, S., Pendergrass, A. G., Renault, L., Roberts, M. J., Schneider, N., Small, R. J., Stoffelen, A., and Q. Wang (2023). Ocean mesoscale and frontal-scale ocean-atmosphere interactions and influence on large-scale climate: A Review. Journal of Climate, 36:1981-2013, .
[20] Atkins, J., Andrews, O. and I. Frenger (2022). Quantifying the contribution of ocean mesoscale eddies to low oxygen extreme events. Geophysical Research Letters, 49:e2022GL098672, .
[19] Chien, C. T., Durgadoo, J. V., Ehlert, D., Frenger, I., Keller, D. P., Koeve, W., Kriest, I., Landolfi, A., Patara, L., Wahl, S. and A. Oschlies (2022). FOCI-MOPS v1 鈥 Integration of marine biogeochemistry within the Flexible Ocean and Climate Infrastructure version 1 (FOCI 1) Earth system model. Geoscientific Model Development, 15:5987-6024, .
[18] Hill-Cruz, M., Frenger, I., Getzlaff, J., Kriest, I., Xue, T. and Y. J. Shin (2022). Understanding the drivers of fish variability in an end-to-end model of the Northern Humboldt Current System. Ecological Modelling, 472:110097, .
[17] Lovecchio, E., Gruber, N., Mu虉nnich, M. and I. Frenger (2022). On the processes sustaining biological production in the offshore propagating eddies of the northern Canary Upwelling System. Journal of Geophysical Research: Oceans, 127:e2021JC017691, .
[16] Xue, T., Frenger, I., Oschlies, A., Stock, C. A., Koeve, W., John, J. G. and A. E. F. Prowe (2022). Mixed layer depth promotes trophic amplification on a seasonal scale. Geophysical Research Letters, 49:e2022GL098720, .
[15] Xue, T., Frenger, I., Prowe, A. E. F., Jose, Y. S. and A. Oschlies (2022). Mixed layer depth dominates over upwelling in regulating the seasonality of ecosystem functioning in the Peruvian Upwelling System. Biogeosciences, 19:455-475, .
[14] Duteil, O., Frenger, I., & Getzlaff., J. (2021). The riddle of eastern tropical Pacific Ocean oxygen levels: The role of the supply by intermediate-depth waters. Ocean Science, 17, 1489鈥1507,
[13] Frenger, I., Bianchi, D., Stu虉hrenberg, C., Oschlies, A., Dunne, J. , Deutsch, C., Galbraith, E., and F. Schu虉tte (2018a). Biogeochemical role of subsurface coherent eddies in the ocean: Tracer cannonballs, hypoxic storms, and microbial stewpots? Global Biogeochemical Cycles, 32:226-249, .
[12] Frenger, I., Gruber, N., and M. Mu虉nnich (2018b). Imprint of Southern Ocean mesoscale eddies on chlorophyll, Biogeosciences, 15:4781-4798, .
[11] Song, H., Long, M. C., Gaube, P., Frenger, I., Marshall, J., and D. J. McGillicuddy Jr. (2018). Seasonal variation in the correlation between anomalies of sea level and chlorophyll in the Antarctic Circumpolar Current (2018), Geophysical Research Letters, 45:5011鈥5019, .
[10] Tarshish, N., Abernathey, R., Zhang, C., Dufour, C., Frenger, I., and S. Griffies (2018). Identifying Lagrangian coherent vortices in a mesoscale ocean model, Ocean Modelling, 130:15-28, .
[9] Yamamoto, A., Palter, J., Dufour, C., Griffies, S., Bianchi, D., Claret, M., Dunne, J., Frenger, I., and E. Galbraith (2018). Roles of the ocean mesoscale in the lateral supply of mass, heat, carbon and nutrients to the Northern Hemisphere subtropical gyres, Journal of Geophysical Research - Oceans, 123:7016鈥7036, .
[8] Dufour, C., Morrison, A., Griffies, S., Frenger, I., Zanowski, H. and M. Winton (2017). Preconditioning of the Weddell Sea polynya by the ocean mesoscale and dense water overflows, Journal of Climate, 30:7719-7737, .
[7] Byrne, D., Mu虉nnich , M., Frenger, I., and N. Gruber (2016). Mesoscale atmosphereocean coupling enhances wind energy transfer, Nature Communications, 7:ncomms11867, .
[6] Haumann, A., Gruber, N., Mu虉nnich, M., Frenger, I., and S. Kern (2016). Salinity changes in the Southern Ocean through sea-ice transport, Nature, 537(7618):89-92, ;
[5] Byrne, D., Papritz, L., Frenger, I., Mu虉nnich, M., and N. Gruber (2015). Atmospheric response to mesoscale sea surface temperature anomalies: Assessment of mechanisms and coupling strength in a high resolution coupled model over the South Atlantic, Journal of the Atmospheric Sciences, 72:1872鈥1890, .
[4] Dufour, C., Griffies, S., de Souza, G., Frenger, I., Morrison, A., Palter, J., Sarmiento, J., Galbraith, E., Dunne, J., Anderson, W., and R. Slater (2015). Role of mesoscale eddies in cross-frontal transport of heat and biogeochemical tracers in the Southern Ocean, Journal of Physical Oceanography, 45:3057鈥3081, .
[3] Faghmous, J., Frenger, I., Warmka, R., Lindel, A., Yao, Y., and V. Kumar (2015). A daily global mesoscale ocean eddy dataset from satellite altimetry, Scientific Data, 2:150028, .
[2] Frenger, I., Mu虉nnich , M., Gruber, N., and R. Knutti (2015). Phenomenology of Southern Ocean eddies, Journal of Geophysical Research 鈥 Oceans, 120:7413-7449, .
[1] Frenger, I., Gruber, N., Knutti, R., and M. Mu虉nnich (2013). Imprint of Southern Ocean eddies on winds, clouds and rainfall, Nature Geoscience, 6:698-612, .
Nuijens, L., Wenegrat, J., Dekker, P., Pasquero, C., L.W. O鈥橬eill, Ardhuin, F., Ayet, A., Bechtold, P., Bruch, W., Laurindo, L., Chen, X., Desbiolles, F., Foster, R., Frenger, I., George, G., Giesen, R., Hayden, E., Hell, M. C., Iyer, S., 鈥 Zippel, S. (2024). The air-sea interaction (ASI) submesoscale: Physics and impact.
Groeskamp, S., de Lavergne, C., Holmes, R., Tamsitt, V., Frenger, I., Chapman, C.C., Newsom, E., and G.J. Stanley (2019). Climate recorded in seawater: A workshop on water-mass transformation analysis for ocean and climate studies. Bull. Amer. Meteor. Soc.,
Dufour, C., Frenger, I., Fr枚licher, T., Gray, A., Griffies, S., Morrison, A., Sarmiento, J., and S. Schlunegger (2015). Anthropogenic carbon and heat uptake by the ocean: Will the Southern Ocean remain a major sink? Ocean Carbon & Biogeochemistry, joint US CLIVAR & OCB newsletter, fall edition.
Frenger, I. (2013). On Southern Ocean eddies and their impacts on biology and the atmosphere. PhD thesis, ETH Zurich, Switzerland, .
Frenger, I. (2008). Investigation of the impact of land surface changes in West Africa on regional climate: Simulations with the regional climate model REMO (original in German). Master's thesis, University of Hamburg, Germany (library sig.: Dipl.-Arb. MI388).
Frenger, I. (2005). The Database ValiData, Proc. COST-ESF Workshop Quality Assurance of Mirco-Scale Meteorological Models, Hamburg, Germany, 150p.
Frenger, I. (2005). Evaluation and processing of in-situ measurements of the project VALIUM (original in German). Bachelor's thesis, University of Hamburg, Germany (library sig.: BSC Met 003).
See also .
Data & Software
Frenger, I., M眉nnich, M., and N. Gruber (2018). Southern Ocean mesoscale eddies; doi:10.3929/ethz-b-000238826; .
Haumann, F. A., Gruber, N., M眉nnich, M., Frenger, I., and S. Kern (2016). Antarctic sea-ice freshwater fluxes associated with freezing, transport, and melting; EnviDat. doi:10.16904/8; .
Faghmous, J. H., Frenger, I., Yao, Y., Warmka, R., Lindell, A., Kumar V. (2015). Data from: A daily global mesoscale ocean eddy dataset from satellite altimetry; doi:10.5061/dryad.gp40h; .
Ocean eddy tracking code (Matlab based) available .