Louis-Maxime Gautreau
Doctoral Researcher
Contact Info
RD 4: Dynamics of the Ocean Floor
RU Magmatic and Sydrothermal Systems
Room: 8A-111
Building 8, east shore,
Wischhofstraße 1-3,
24148 Kiel
Phone: +49 431 600 1427
E-Mail: lgautreau(at)geomar.de
Doctoral Researcher in the Research Division 4:
Magmatic and Hydrothermal Systems, Marine Mineral Resources
91̽»¨ Helmholtz Centre for Ocean Research Kiel (since 02/2021)
DOMETRAP project (Dynamics of Ore MEtal TRansport in Alkaline Porphyry systems)
Subproject of the priority program, SPP 2238, German Research Foundation
Project and technical engineer
MAXAM (04/2018 - 12/2021)
Matsa and Sotiel mine (Spain)
Quarries (western France and Benelux)
Loulo-Gounkoto mine (Mali)
Stratagem974 (Mascarene Islands, 08/2017 - 12/2017)
Subsurface exploration through electric, seismic und electromagnetic methods.
Application to volcanological survey, geotechnic investigation and environment.
Geological engineering trainee
French geological and mining survey, BRGM (French Guiana, 06/2016 - 07/2016)
Development of a GIS application registering the mining inventory of French Guiana / hydrogeological operations in the Amazon rainforest
Geotechnical engineering trainee
AGIR laboratoire (France, 06/2015 - 07/2015)
Geomechanical and geotechnical testing, soil quality evaluation.
Operations in quarry (Evaluation of the rock quality), on storage site of waste (Evaluation of the soil waterproofness) and in site of road digging (Evaluation of the soil and road quality)
Master's Degree in Geosciences Engineering
National School of Geology, Université de Lorraine (France, 2014-2017)
Thesis: "Geophysical methods applied to civil work, environment, volcanology, and natural resources exploration"
Mining Engineering Degree
Universidade Federal de Minas Gerais (Brazil, 2016-2017)
Thesis: "Modelling of an iron deposit from the Carajás mineral province using geostatistical methods"
General Scientific Studies
Classe Préparatoire Sainte-Geneviève (France, 2012-2014)
Preparation for the french competitive exam with a focus on Earth Sciences and Biology (BCPST)
Scientific contributions
Gautreau, L.-M., Hansteen, T. H., Portnyagin, M., Beier, C., Frische, M., Brandl, P. A. (2024): Understanding the links between volcanic systems and epithermal ore formation: A case study from Conical Seamount, Papua New Guinea. Lithos. Doi:
Gautreau, L.-M., Scicchitano, M. R., Brandl, P. A., Wilke, F., Hansteen, T. H. (2024) CO2 and H2O SIMS measurements of clinopyroxene-hosted silicate melt inclusions from Conical Seamount, Papua New Guinea. Mendeley Data. Doi:
Gautreau, L.-M., Brandl, P. A., Hansteen T. H., Portnyagin M. (2023): Constraints on magma evolution at the epithermally mineralized Conical Seamount, Papua New Guinea. Society for Geology Applied to Mineral Deposits. Conference Paper.
Conference Contributions
Gautreau, L.-M., Hansteen, T. H., Portnyagin, M., Brandl, P. A. (2024): The importance of magmatic degassing at a mineralized, submarine volcano: The case of Conical Seamount, Papua New Guinea. European Geosciences Union. Poster.
Gautreau, L.-M., Brandl, P. A., Hansteen T. H., Portnyagin M. (2023): Constraints on magma evolution at the epithermally mineralized Conical Seamount, Papua New Guinea. Society for Geology Applied to Mineral Deposits. Talk.
Expedition Participations
Research vessel SONNE (06.06.2023 – 29.07.2023)
Arc rifting, metallogeny and microplate evolution: An integrated geodynamic, magmatic and hydrothermal study of the Bismarck Archipelago, Papua New Guinea ()
Research vessel METEOR (02.06.2021 – 28.06.2021)
Geological and geophysical characterization of transform offsets ()