Marcela Nascimento
FB 3: Marine Ökologie
FE Marine Evolutionsökologie
- Phone:
- +49 431 600 1883
- Email:
- mnascimento(at)
Wischhofstraße 1-3
24148 Kiel
I am a biologist with a master's degree in marine zoology and a PhD in marine ecology. My research primarily focuses on ecological modeling, particularly spatially explicit trophic models, with a strong emphasis on Ecospace. I have applied these approaches to various ecosystems, ranging from the tropics to the Arctic. A key aspect of my work involves assessing the impacts of multiple stressors—such as global change and fisheries strategies—on ecosystems, both in historical and future contexts.
Peer-reviewed publications
Frasner F., Dörr J., Skogen M. D., Nilsen I., Dupond P. Dinh K.V., Årthun M., Chierici M., Smedsrud L.H., Assmy P., Pedersen T., Hansen C., Varpe Ø., Duarte P., Nascimento M.C., Fransson A. (2025) The future Barents Sea – a synthesis of physical, biogeochemical, and ecological changes toward 2050 and 2100. Elementa: Science of the Anthropocene. Manuscript accepted for publication
Nascimento M.C., Frasner F., Hordoir R, Skogen M.D. Primicerio R. Pedersen T. (2025) Future poleward distribution shifts of community and functional groups in the Barents Sea modelled under different climate and fisheries scenarios. Marine Ecology Progress Series. Manuscript under review
Nascimento M.C., Husson B., Guillet L., Pedersen T. (2023) Modelling the spatial shifts of functional groups in the Barents Sea using a climate-driven spatial food web model. Ecological Modelling, 481: 110358
Pedersen T., Mikkelsen N., Lindstrøm U., Renaud P.E., Nascimento M.C., Blanchet M-A., Ellingsen I.H.; Jørgensen L.L., Blanchet H. (2021). Overexploitation, Recovery, and Warming of the Barents Sea Ecosystem During 1950–2013. Frontiers in Marine Science v.8.
Corte G.N., Nascimento M.C., Pavani L., Leite F.P.P. (2012). Crustáceos associados à macroalga Ulva spp. em praias com diferentes caracterÃsticas ambientais. (Crustaceans associated with Ulva spp. Macroalgae in different environmental conditions beaches). Bioikos, 6: 101-111.
Nascimento M.C., Velasco G., Okey T.A., Christensen, V., Amaral A.C.Z. (2012). Trophic model of the outer continental shelf and upper slope demersal community of the southeastern Brazilian Bight. Scientia Marina, 76: 736-779.
Nascimento M.C., Alcantara S.F., Haddad C.R.B., Martins, F.R. (2007). Allelopathic potential of Pouteria torta (Mart.) Radlk., a species of the Brazilian cerrado. Allelopathy Journal, 20: 279-285.