Number of items: 69.
Articles in a Scientific Journal - peer-reviewed
Lampe, V. ,
Hunter, A.,
Engel, A. ,
Ward, B. A.,
Nöthig, E. M.,
Ellingsen, I. H. and
Schartau, M.
Journal of Geophysical Research: Oceans, 129
Desmit, X.,
Schartau, M. ,
Riethmüller, R.,
Terseleer, N.,
Van der Zande, D. and
Fettweis, M.
Science of the Total Environment, 915
Art.Nr. 169966.
Pelz, M. T.,
Schartau, M. ,
Somes, C. J. ,
Lampe, V. and
Slawig, T.
Geoscientific Model Development, 16
pp. 6609-6634.
Chien, C. T. ,
Pahlow, M.,
Schartau, M. ,
Li, N. and
Oschlies, A.
Science Advances, 9
Art.Nr. eadg1725..
Kriest, I. ,
Getzlaff, J.,
Landolfi, A. ,
Sauerland, V.,
Schartau, M. and
Oschlies, A.
Biogeosciences (BG), 20
pp. 2645-2669.
Prowe, A. E. F. ,
Su, B.,
Nejstgaard, J. C. and
Schartau, M.
Limnology and Oceanography, 67
pp. 843-855.
Fettweis, M. ,
Schartau, M. ,
Desmit, X. ,
Lee, B. J. ,
Terseleer, N. ,
Van der Zande, D.,
Parmentier, K. and
Riethmüller, R.
Journal of Geophysical Research: Biogeosciences, 127
Art.Nr. e2021JG006332.
Verwega, M. T. ,
Trahms, C.,
Antia, A. N.,
Dickhaus, T.,
Prigge, E. ,
Prinzler, M. H. U.,
Renz, M.,
Schartau, M. ,
Slawig, T.,
Somes, C. J. and
Biastoch, A.
Frontiers in Marine Science, 8
Art.Nr. 678404.
Verwega, M. T. ,
Somes, C. J. ,
Schartau, M. ,
Tuerena, R. E.,
Lorrain, A.,
Oschlies, A. and
Slawig, T.
Earth System Science Data, 13
pp. 4861-4880.
Landolfi, A. ,
Prowe, A. E. F. ,
Pahlow, M.,
Somes, C. J. ,
Chien, C. T. ,
Schartau, M. ,
Koeve, W. and
Oschlies, A.
Frontiers in Microbiology, 12
Art.Nr. 690200.
Lampe, V.,
Nöthig, E. M. and
Schartau, M.
Frontiers in Marine Science, 7
Art.Nr. 579880.
Taucher, J. ,
Boxhammer, T. ,
Bach, L. T. ,
Paul, A. J. ,
Schartau, M. ,
Stange, P. and
Riebesell, U.
Nature Climate Change, 11
pp. 52-57.
Chien, C. T. ,
Pahlow, M.,
Schartau, M. and
Oschlies, A.
Geoscientific Model Development, 13
pp. 4691-4712.
Mathesius, S. ,
Getzlaff, J.,
Dietze, H. ,
Oschlies, A. and
Schartau, M.
Earth System Science Data, 12
pp. 1775-1787.
Franke, A.,
Blenckner, T.,
Duarte, C. M.,
Ott, K.,
Fleming, L. E.,
Antia, A.,
Reusch, T. B. H. ,
Bertram, C.,
Hein, J.,
Kronfeld-Goharani, U.,
Dierking, J. ,
Kuhn, A.,
Sato, C.,
van Doorn, E.,
Wall, M.,
Schartau, M. ,
Karez, R.,
Crowder, L.,
Keller, D. P. ,
Engel, A. ,
Hentschel, U. and
Prigge, E.
One Earth, 2
pp. 557-565.
Engel, A. ,
Endres, S. ,
Galgani, L. and
Schartau, M.
Frontiers in Marine Science, 7
Art.Nr. 405.
Krishna, S.,
Pahlow, M. and
Schartau, M.
Ecological Modelling, 411
Art.Nr. 108711.
Piontek, J.,
Endres, S. ,
Le Moigne, F. A. C. ,
Schartau, M. and
Engel, A.
Frontiers in Marine Science, 6
Art.Nr. 581.
Schartau, M. ,
Riethmüller, R.,
Flöser, G.,
Krasemann, H.,
Beusekom, J. v.,
Hofmeister, R. and
Wirtz, K.
Progress in Oceanography, 171
pp. 231-250.
Engel, A. ,
Bange, H. W. ,
Cunliffe, M.,
Burrows, S. M.,
Friedrichs, G.,
Galgani, L.,
Herrmann, H.,
Hertkorn, N.,
Johnson, M.,
Liss, P. S.,
Quinn, P. K.,
Schartau, M. ,
Soloviev, A.,
Stolle, C.,
Upstill-Goddard, R. C.,
van Pinxteren, M. and
Zäncker, B.
Frontiers in Marine Science, 4
Art.Nr. 165.
Krishna, S. and
Schartau, M.
Biogeosciences (BG), 14
pp. 1857-1882.
Moreno de Castro, M.,
Schartau, M. and
Wirtz, K.
Biogeosciences (BG), 14
pp. 1883-1901.
Hofmeister, R.,
Flöser, G. and
Schartau, M.
Geo-Marine Letters, 37
pp. 179-192.
Schartau, M. ,
Wallhead, P.,
Hemmings, J.,
Löptien, U. ,
Kriest, I. ,
Krishna, S.,
Ward, B. A.,
Slawig, T. and
Oschlies, A.
Biogeosciences (BG), 14
pp. 1647-1701.
Su, J.,
Tian, T.,
Krasemann, H.,
Schartau, M. and
Wirtz, K.
Oceanologia, 57
pp. 328-341.
Kreus, M. and
Schartau, M.
Continental Shelf Research, 100
pp. 46-63.
Kreus, M.,
Schartau, M. ,
Engel, A. ,
Nausch, M. and
Voss, M.
Continental Shelf Research, 100
pp. 25-45.
Engel, A. ,
Cisternas Novoa, C.,
Wurst, M.,
Endres, S. ,
Tang, T.,
Schartau, M. and
Lee, C.
Marine Ecology Progress Series, 507
pp. 15-30.
Ward, B. A.,
Schartau, M. ,
Oschlies, A. ,
Martin, A. P.,
Follows, M. J. and
Anderson, T. R.
Progress in Oceanography, 116
pp. 49-65.
Schartau, M. ,
Landry, M. R. and
Armstrong, R. A.
Journal of Plankton Research, 32
pp. 1167-1184.
Engel, A. ,
Schulz, K. G.,
Riebesell, U. ,
Bellerby, R. G. J.,
Delille, B. and
Schartau, M.
Biogeosciences (BG), 5
pp. 509-521.
Friedrichs, M. A. M.,
Dusenberry, J. A.,
Anderson, L. A.,
Armstrong, R. A.,
Chai, F.,
Christian, J. R.,
Doney, S. C.,
Dunne, J.,
Fujii, M.,
Hood, R.,
McGillicuddy, D. J.,
Moore, J. K.,
Schartau, M. ,
Spitz, Y. H. and
Wiggert, J. D.
Journal of Geophysical Research: Oceans, 112
Schartau, M. ,
Engel, A. ,
Schröter, J.,
Thoms, S.,
Völker, C. and
Wolf-Gladrow, D.
Biogeosciences (BG), 4
pp. 433-454.
Hood, R. R.,
Laws, E. A.,
Armstrong, R. A.,
Bates, N. R.,
Brown, C. W.,
Carlson, C. A.,
Chai, F.,
Doney, S. C.,
Falkowski, P. G.,
Feely, R. A.,
Friedrichs, M. A. M.,
Landry, M. R.,
Keith Moore, J.,
Nelson, D. M.,
Richardson, T. L.,
Salihoglu, B.,
Schartau, M. ,
Toole, D. A. and
Wiggert, J. D.
Deep Sea Research Part II: Topical Studies in Oceanography, 53
pp. 459-512.
Oschlies, A. and
Schartau, M.
Journal of Marine Research, 63
pp. 335-358.
Weber, L.,
Völker, C.,
Schartau, M. and
Wolf-Gladrow, D. A.
Global Biogeochemical Cycles, 19
Schartau, M. and
Oschlies, A.
Journal of Marine Research, 61
pp. 795-821.
Schartau, M. and
Oschlies, A.
Journal of Marine Research, 61
pp. 765-793.
Schartau, M. ,
Oschlies, A. and
Willebrand, J.
Deep Sea Research Part II: Topical Studies in Oceanography, 48
pp. 1769-1800.
Engel, A. and
Schartau, M.
Marine Ecology Progress Series, 182
pp. 69-76.
Conference papers
Schartau, M. ,
Engel, A. and
Colijn, F.
In: ICES Annual Science Conference. , 22.-26.09.2008, Halifax, Canada .
ICES Council Meeting Papers, 2008
Prowe, A. E. F. ,
Su, B.,
Nejstgaard, J. C. and
Schartau, M.
In: Gulf of Maine Research Institute (GMRI) science seminar series. , 20.01.2021, Online .
Kriest, I. ,
Dietze, H. ,
Löptien, U. and
Schartau, M.
In: PalMod Annual Retreat. , 22.02.2017, Lübeck, Germany .
Schartau, M.
In: Leipziger Meteorologisches Kolloquium. , 10.12.2015, Leipzig, Germany .
Schartau, M. and
Krishna, S.
In: IMBER Open Science Conference FUTURE OCEAN. , 23.-27.06.2014, Bergen, Norway .
Schartau, M. and
Oschlies, A.
[Invited talk]
In: Autumn School: Data Assimilation in Biogeochemical Cycles at Abdus Salam International Centre for Theoretical Physics (ICTP). , 21.-27.09.2014, Trieste, Italy .
Schwichtenberg, F.,
Pätsch, J.,
Lorkowski, I.,
Amann, T.,
Schartau, M. ,
Thomas, H.,
Winde, V.,
Dellwig, O.,
van Beusekom, J. E. E. and
Böttcher, M.
In: EGU General Assembly 2012. , 22.-27.04.2012, Vienna, Austria .
Schwichtenberg, F.,
Pätsch, J.,
Lorkowski, I.,
Schartau, M. ,
Thomas, H.,
Winde, V.,
Dellwig, O.,
van Beusekom, J. E. E. and
Böttcher, M.
In: EGU General Assembly 2011. , 03.-08.04.2011, Vienna, Austria .
Schwichtenberg, F.,
Pätsch, J.,
Lorkowski, I.,
Schartau, M. ,
Thomas, H.,
Winde, V.,
Dellwig, O.,
van Beusekom, J. E. E. and
Böttcher, M.
In: YOUMARES 2.0 - Ocean amidst science, innovation and society. , 07.-09.09.2011, Bremerhaven, Germany .
Schwichtenberg, F.,
Pätsch, J.,
Lorkowski, I.,
Schartau, M. ,
Thomas, H.,
Winde, V.,
Dellwig, O.,
van Beusekom, J. E. E. and
Böttcher, M.
In: BIOACID Annual Meeting 2011. , 26.-30.09.2011, Bremen, Germany .
Schartau, M. ,
Colijn, F.,
Engel, A. ,
Gerdts, G.,
Metfies, K.,
Schlüter, M. and
Moll, A.
In: ICES-WGPME Annual Meeting (ICES Working Group on Phytoplankton and Microbial Ecology). , 02.-05.03.2010, Aberdeen, UK .
Schartau, M. ,
Engel, A. and
Colijn, F.
In: ICES Annual Science Conference. , 22.-26.09.2008, Halifax, Canada .
Engel, A. ,
Bellerby, R.,
Delille, B.,
Schulz, K. G.,
Riebesell, U. and
Schartau, M.
In: EGU General Assembly. , 15.-20.04.2007, Vienna, Austria .
Schartau, M. ,
Engel, A. ,
Piontek, J. and
Rost, B.
In: Modelling Workshop. , 12.-14.02.2007, Plymouth, UK .
Engel, A. ,
Heemann, C.,
Schartau, M. ,
Schneider, U.,
Thoms, S.,
Delille, B.,
Jacquet, S.,
Zondervan, I. and
Riebesell, U.
In: EGS-AGU-EUG Joint Assembly. , 06.-11.04.2003, Nice, France .
Schartau, M. ,
Engel, A. ,
Völker, C.,
Wolf-Gladow, D. and
Schröter, J.
In: EGS-AGU-EUG Joint Assembly 2003. , 06.-11.04.2003, Nice, France .
Conference posters
Prowe, A. E. F. ,
Su, B.,
Nejstgaard, J. C. and
Schartau, M.
In: DynaTrait Annual Meeting 2020. , 14-17.09.2020, Potsdam, Germany .
Su, B.,
Nejstgaard, J. C.,
Schartau, M. and
Prowe, A. E. F.
In: DynaTrait Annual Meeting 2019. , 16.-20.09.2019, Potsdam, Germany .
Su, B.,
Nejstgaard, J. C.,
Schartau, M. and
Prowe, A. E. F.
In: 4. Workshop on Trait-based Approaches to Ocean Life. , 18.-21.08.2019, Buckinghamshire, UK .
Su, B.,
Schartau, M. and
Prowe, A. E. F.
In: Priority Program 1704 DynaTrait annual meeting. , 08.-11.10.2018, Potsdam, Germany .
Oschlies, A. ,
Kriest, I. ,
Koeve, W. ,
Duteil, O. and
Schartau, M.
In: EGU General Assembly 2015. , 12.–17.04.2015 , Vienna, Austria .
Geophysical Research Abstracts, 17
Krishna, S. and
Schartau, M.
In: SOPRAN Annual Meeting 2014. , 25.-26.03.2014, Bremen, Germany .
Schwichtenberg, F.,
Pätsch, J.,
Amann, T.,
Schartau, M. ,
Thomas, H.,
Winde, V.,
Dellwig, O.,
van Beusekom, J. E. E.,
Böttcher, M.,
Grashorn, S. and
Salt, L.
In: EGU General Assembly 2013. , 07.-12.04.2013, Vienna, Austria .
Schwichtenberg, F.,
Pätsch, J.,
Lorkowski, I.,
Schartau, M. ,
Thomas, H.,
Winde, V.,
Dellwig, O.,
van Beusekom, J. E. E. and
Böttcher, M.
In: AMEMR III. , 27.-30.06.2011, Plymouth, UK .
Schwichtenberg, F.,
Pätsch, J.,
Schartau, M. ,
Thomas, H.,
Winde, V.,
Schultz, M.,
Dellwig, O.,
van Beusekom, J. E. E.,
Liebezeit, G. and
Böttcher, M.
In: EPOCA, BIOACID, UKOARP Annual Meeting. , 27.09.-30.09.2010, Bremerhaven, Germany .
Theses - not published by a publisher
Schartau, M.
(PhD/ Doctoral thesis), Christian-Albrechts-Universität Kiel, Kiel, Germany, 128 pp.
Schartau, M.
(Diploma thesis), Christian-Albrechts-Universität, Kiel, Germany, 68 pp.
Reports - other reports
Schartau, M. ,
Pahlow, M.,
Kemena, T. P. ,
Lampe, V. ,
Taucher, J. and
Seifert, M.
OceanNets Deliverable, D5.8
OceanNETs, Kiel, Germany, 34 pp.
Taucher, J. and
Schartau, M.
OceanNets Deliverable, D5.3
OceanNETs, Kiel, Germany, 17 pp.
This list was generated on Tue Feb 4 16:52:31 2025 CET.