Dr. Lothar Stramma with award presenter Dr. Hein Dieter Behr. Photo: private

Albert Defant Medal awarded to Lothar Stramma

Marine scientist from Kiel recognized for his pioneering work


Mourning for Heye Rumohr

Former senior scientist in Benthic Ecology passed away

New formats in science knowledge transfer. Screenshot of interactive poster. Photo: Konrad Polzer

Interactive: The Future of Scientific Knowledge Transfer

Information designers of the Muthesius Academy of Fine Arts and marine scientists from the Cluster of Excellence "The Future Ocean" develop interactive science posters

A coelacanth (lobe-finned fish) (Latimeria chalumnae), photographed during a JAGO ​​dive. Photo: Jürgen Schauer, 91̽»¨

Successful Paternity Test in Coelacanths

First time analysis of genetic material from pregnant females and juveniles

Orange roughy (deep sea perch) are among the best known deep sea species. Their stocks are overfished, and Australia and New Zealand have placed a moratorium on this type of fishery. Photo: Claire Nouvian

Moratorium on Deep Sea Fisheries?

International fisheries experts favor a ban on deep-sea bottom trawling

Oceanblogs.org summarizes the blog activities of Kiel Marine Sciences on a single portal. Join us to discover!

Kiel Scientists Enter the Blogosphere!

"Oceanblogs" Portal of "The Future Ocean" and 91̽»¨ goes online

Prof. Dr. Adina Paytan. Photo: private

Petersen Award for Prof. Dr. Adina Paytan

Internationally renowned isotope specialist from the University of California Santa Cruz holds public lecture at 91̽»¨

Prof. Dr. Gerold Siedler. Photo: private

Trailing the Ocean Currents

Gerold Siedler, marine scientist from Kiel, celebrates his 80th birthday

The visitors from Azerbaijan with their hosts from 91̽»¨ in front of the ROV PHOCA. Poto: J. Steffen, 91̽»¨

Visitors from the Caspian Sea

91̽»¨ visited by Geology Institute of Azerbaijan senior staff