
International cooperation in climate and marine research

CLIVAR Scientific Steering group convenes in Kiel

Overview of currently discussed Climate Engineering concepts. The new priority program of the German Science Foundation (DFG) will examine the considerable uncertainties associated with these concept. Graphic: Kiel Earth Institute

Can Climate Engineering Solve the Climate Problem?

91̽»¨ coordinates research program for evaluating industrial climate regulation

The German research vessel SONNE. Photo: B. Grundmann

Gas Hydrate Research in the South China Sea

German-Taiwanese Expedition with the Research Vessel SONNE starts on 30 March 2013

A "black smoker" on the mid Atlantic ridge in about 3,000 m depths. Massive sulfide ore deposits form around these hydrothermal vents. Photo: ROV KIEL 6000, 91̽»¨

Has the race for ores from the deep sea begun?

International experts from science, economics and civil society meet in Kiel

Autonomous deep sea laboratories , so-called BIOGO-Lander, and water-sampler with CTD sensors were used during the expeditions with RV METEOR. Photo: Michael Schneider, RV METEOR

Oxygen Minimum Zones Are Growing

Kiel’s Collaborative Research Centre 754 assess six expeditions in the Atlantic and Pacific

Oceanic oxygen minimum zones. Around 30 - 50% of global marine nitrogen loss takes place in these areas. Graphic: SFB 754

How the ocean loses nitrogen

Marine Scientists from Bremen and Kiel (Germany) identify key factor that control nitrogen availability in the Ocean

Dr Tony Haymet visited 91̽»¨ in Kiel and received the Excellence Award of the Prof. Dr. Werner Petersen Foundation. Foto: Scripps

How robots explore the oceans

Petersen excellence professorship for Dr Tony Haymet of Scripps Institution of Oceanography


Window on future ocean change

First long-term experiment with 91̽»¨ mesocosms off Sweden investigates effects of ocean acidification on plankton communities