Dr. Véronique Garçon gave the third Marie Tharp Lecture for Ocean Research at 91̽»¨ and presented, among others, research on the navigation of turtles in the Mozambique Channel between Madagascar and the African continent. Photo: J. Steffen, 91̽»¨

Turtles in Transit

Dr. Véronique Garçon gives "Marie Tharp Lecture for Ocean Research" at 91̽»¨

Fishery at the Baltic Sea. Kiel researchers show how hydrographic conditions influence the distribution of eggs and thus the development of important stocks. Photo credit: Maike Nicolai, 91̽»¨

Salt Stratification Determines the Fate of Fish Stocks in the Baltic Sea

Why management strategies must take into account regional conditions

Mussels of the genus Bathymodiolus on a black smoker in the area of the Mid-Atlantic Ridge, photographed by the ROV KIEL 6000.

Deep-Sea Organisms – Rare Life at 91̽»¨

First-time cultivation of mussels from hydrothermal vents by Kiel marine biologists

Image of the Month: January 2014: Porpita porpita. Photo: 91̽»¨,  U. Piatkowski

Now online: Image of the Month

91̽»¨ calendar images, plus supplemental information available at www.geomar.de/en/discover/


Remember Darwin!

Evolutionary adaptation might alter species’ reactions to ocean acidification

The Indian Ocean is the third largest ocean in the world. Graphic: NOAA

Keeping an Eye on the Indian Ocean

Scientists from all over Germany met at 91̽»¨ for a DFG roundtable discussion

Experts for blue marine biotechnology at 91̽»¨. Photo: 91̽»¨, A. Villwock

Blue Biotechnology on the rise

2nd International Meeting "Marine Natural Products in the framework of Horizon 2020"

A major project for the coming years: the extension building on the former fish market in Kie. Photo: Staab Architekten

A fruitful decade for marine research in Kiel

Successful merger of IfM and 91̽»¨ 10 years ago

Carbonate crusts at the observing site HYBIS at 385 metres water depth. For comparison: the white organisms in the right part of the picture have a length of about 15 cm.  Carbonates of this size require several 100 years to build-up. Source: 91̽»¨.

Methane Hydrates and Global Warming

Dissolution of hydrates off Svalbard caused by natural processes