Possible locations of model particles that originate out of the eastern Indian Ocean and reached the island La Réunion 16 months later. The areas with the highest probabilities are color coded. Source: 91̽»¨.

Where is MH370?

Simulations by oceanographers from Kiel provide further insights into the possible location of the crash


Accelerated melting of glacial ice

A warm deep sea caused enhanced ice melting at the end of the last ice age


Greenhouse gases’ millennia-long ocean legacy

Computer models question artificial carbon dioxide removal strategies

With the piston corer sediment cores from the ocean floor can be obtained. Photo: D. Nürnberg, 91̽»¨

Exceptionally rapid onset of coastal upwelling offshore Peru

Kiel marine scientists find significant changes in the eastern Pacific during the past 10,000 years

The location of the volcanic islands Tristan da Cunha and Gough in the South Atlantic. Image Reproduced from the GEBCO world map 2014 www.gebco.net,

Twin volcanic chains above a single hotspot with distinct roots

Scientists from Kiel find explanation for geochemically distinct parallel tracks of volcanoes formed by the same volcanic hotspot

A Black Smooker in the Guaymas Basin. Photo: ROV HYBIS, 91̽»¨

Discovery of a large hot vent site in the Gulf of California

Fascinating results of cruise SO241 with Germany’s new research vessel SONNE

Simulated precipitation (over 24 hours from 6 to 7 July 2012) of a model run using observed sea surface temperature (a) and (b) using a colder SST representative of the early 1980s). The black cross marks the town of Krymsk, the thin black lines are height contours with a distance of 150 metres.

Ocean warming leads to stronger precipitation extremes

Recent event underlines importance of study by German and Russian scientists

The AUV team "TomKyle" launches their AUV at Mittelgrund. Photo: Marcel Rothenbeck, 91̽»¨

Fine-scale Mapping of Mittelgrund

91̽»¨ und AUV-Team „TomKyle“ of the University of Applied Sciences Kiel cooperate in a survey of the Eckernförde Bay

Panel discussion during the Kick-off-Meeting of the SPP "Climate Engineering". Foto: J. Steffen, 91̽»¨

Climate Engineering: Recent findings and open questions

Scientific symposium in Berlin shows current state and possibilities of CE research

Participants of the 1st BIO-C3 annual meeting . Photo: J. Steffen, 91̽»¨

Expert meeting on biodiversity in the Baltic Sea

EU BONUS project BIO-C3 is hosting annual meeting and international summer school at the 91̽»¨