[Translate to English:] Ein Forschungstaucher untersucht Altmunition in der Ostsee. Foto: Christian Howe, www.h2owe.de

Effects of Munitions in the Seas only partially known

New study points to global problem with explosives in coastal ecosystems

Official group photo from the visit of the President of Cape Verde Jorge Carlos Fonseca (5. f.r.) to the sovereign of Monaco, Prince Albert II.(7. f.r.). Photo: Michel Dagnino.

High-level meeting during Monaco Ocean Week

91̽»¨ intensifies cooperation with Monaco and Cape Verde

Professor Christian Berndt (91̽»¨ 3rd from right) and Professor Gerhard Bohrmann (Marum, 2nd from right) welcome the guests from Taiwan in Kiel. Photo: Saulwood Lin

Delegation from Taiwan visits 91̽»¨

Administration of research vessels main subject of discussions

Professor giving insights into her research as part of the Marie-Tharp Lecture Series. Photo: Jan Steffen/91̽»¨

On the trail of climate change

Professor Bärbel Hönisch from the Columbia University gives Mary-Tharp lecture at 91̽»¨

Gas hydrates are nicknamed "burning ice" because of the trapped methane. Photo: Science Party SO174

Gas hydrate research: Advanced knowledge and new technologies

After ten years, the SUGAR project concludes with a conference in Potsdam

[Translate to English:] Heringslarven zusammen mit  Ruderfußkrebsen, die zum Zooplankton gehören. Foto Solvin Zankl, www.solvinzankl.com

Ocean acidification: Herring could benefit from an altered food chain

New studies show complex effects of carbon dioxide on fish population

The Irminger Sea seen from the research vessel MARIA S. MERIAN. It is one of the few regions in the world where deep convection occurs. The process is a key component global ocean circulation system. Photo: Arne Bendinger / 91̽»¨

Warm summers could weaken ocean circulation

Long-term observations reveal the influence of increased surface freshening on convection in the subpolar North Atlantic

Aerosols in the atmosphere should reflect part of the solar irradiation - that is the main idea of the Solar Radiation Management. However this method carries long-term risks. Graphict: Kiel Earth Institute

Beware of the "Temperature Debt"

Artificial cooling of the atmosphere with aerosols carries a long-term risk

Schematic evolution of retrogressive slope failure due to overpressured gas below the gas haydrate stability zone (GHSZ): a submarine slope with gas hydrate-bearing sediments  and overpressured gas (bright area) at the bottom of the GHSZ induces pipe generation into the GHSZ,  the conduit encounters a permeable layer; gas enters and leads to overpressure transfer from the bottom of the GHSZ to the shallow subsurface, and finally overpessured gas causes shear banding in the weak layer and generates retrogressive slope failure.

Stable gas hydrates can trigger landslides

"Cement of continental slopes" effect slope stability differently than previously thought

Black smoker on the seafloor. Photo: ROV KIEL 6000/91̽»¨ (CC BY 4.0)

Science demands protection for active "black smokers"

Kiel marine scientists discuss regulations for future deep-sea mining in London