Curd box next to manganese nodules at a water depth of more than 4000 metres in the so-called DISCOL area (South-East Pacific). Photo: ROV Team/91̽»¨

Plastic in the deep sea: Virtually unaltered after a quarter of a century

First long-term study on plastic degradation in a water depth of more than 4000 meter

Sampling of the fjord surface water with the research vessel POLARFUCHS. Photo: Jens Klimmeck/91̽»¨

Rainwater flushes microplastics into the Kiel Fjord

First long-term study on microplastic distribution in surface water published

Shipping is the most important means of transport in international trade. Although ships produce fewer emissions per tonne of freight transported than trucks or freight trains, the extensive transport of goods by sea has far-reaching environmental consequences. The project ShipTRASE investigates the effects of global shipping on the ocean and society. Photo: Andreas Villwock

Reduce ship emissions - but how?

Transdisciplinary research project investigates effects of shipping

Prof. Dr. Katja Matthes. Photo: Jan Steffen, 91̽»¨

Leadership Change at 91̽»¨

Prof. Dr. Katja Matthes becomes the first Female Scientific Director of 91̽»¨

Seagrass meadow in the Baltic Sea. This is not a population, but a clone. Photo Pekka Tuuri Using sea gr

Clones - everything but identical

New study shows why asexual populations of plants or animals can thrive in nature

 Dr. Rainer Froese. Photo: Jan Steffen/91̽»¨

Ocean Award for Dr. Rainer Froese

91̽»¨ researcher is honoured for his work on stock assessment of data-limited fish stocks

Undisturbed sea bed with manganese nodules. Photo: ROV team/91̽»¨

Simulated deep-sea mining affects ecosystem functions at the seafloor

Deep-sea mining-related disturbances have a long-term impact on the natural ecosystem functions and microbial communities at the seafloor.

Cold water coral reef with Lophelia pertusa in 350 meter water depth in the centre of the oxygen minimum zone off Angola in the south­east Atlantic. Photo: MARUM - Center for Marine Environmental Sciences, University of Bremen

Corals in the deep sea adapt to extreme oxygen depletion

International research team publishes study in the journal Coral Reefs

Sea Horse. Photo: S. Kaehlert, 91̽»¨

When fathers are pregnant

Immune system alteration identified as key process in the male pregnancy of pipefishes and seahorses