Arctic Sea Ice

Arctic sea ice: A look back into the future

New study reconstructs development in the last 10,000 years

Professor Katja Matthes

"Our world is the ocean"

Professor Katja Matthes takes over the leadership of 91̽»¨

Glass sponges (Hexactinellida) are mainly found in the deep sea. The glass sponge Vazella pourtalesi (colloquially "Russian hat") is found in large quantities on the continental shelf off Canada: Photo: Ellen Kenchington, DFO. The Aquatic Symbiosis project will be the first to produce genomes of glass sponges. Its microbial symbionts, on the other hand, are already well researched (Bayer, Busch et al., mSystems 2020).

Symbioses in Aquatic Environments

International genome project tries to understand how aquatic species thrive together

Changes in sea surface temperature and precipitation in a climate change experiment in the tropical Atlantic region in a coarse (a, c) and high (b, d) resolution model. From Park and Latif, 2020.

Improved models show stronger climate change signal in the tropical Atlantic

Comparative study of the 91̽»¨ illustrates dependence on model resolution

A Sea otter. Photo: J. Tomoleoni

Sea otter protection could mitigate consequences of climate change

Limestone-dating at 91̽»¨ supports complex ecosystem study in Alaska

Asia as a Digital Earth simulation.

Special Award for ‘Digital Earth’ at the ‘Digital Leader Awards’

Helmholtz project receives award for innovative geo and environmental research

Electron-micrograph of Uvigerina peregrina

Hidden phosphate reservoirs discovered in microorganisms

91̽»¨ study explains role of microbes in marine nutrition circles

RV PLOARSTERN and iced sea

Variability in the Arctic Carbon Cycle

91̽»¨ scientists study seasonal changes in the Arctic Ocean

 Fossil plankton shells from the Eocene Epoch. The largest specimens are up to a millimetre in size.

How sensitive is the Earth’s climate?

Study analyzes the impact of carbon dioxide on the climate of the Eocene

[Translate to English:] FS LUDWIG PRANDTL vom HZG in der Nordsee während der MOSES-Kampagne "Elbe 2020". Foto: Felix Geißler/91̽»¨

„Elbe 2020“ – from the inland to the sea

Joint measurements of the AWI, HZG and 91̽»¨ for the Helmholtz project MOSES