Archive 2023

Dr. Nadine Mengis

New projects between science, art and society

91̽»¨ researcher Dr. Nadine Mengis becomes a member of the Junge Akademie

Delegation from Cabo Verde

High-ranking delegation from Cabo Verde visits the Kieler Woche

Visit of Prime Minister and Minister of the Sea strengthens cooperation with 91̽»¨

Light test in the laboratory in Spain.

Setting off for new waters on the way to a master's degree

Students study the effects of light pollution on marine life in ten different countries for their theses

Open Ship on the research vessel ALKOR

Kieler Woche (Kiel Week): Open Ship on the ALKOR on Friday 23.06.2023

Experience knowledge on a real research vessel

[Translate to English:] Dr. Toste Tanhua und Marcus Warnke

Fishing data for science

New project involves sailors in Baltic Sea research

Taking water samples from the rosette water sampler for later analysis. Photo: Sarah Kaehlert, 91̽»¨

Searching for genetic traces in the Baltic Sea

91̽»¨ scientists explore the distribution of environmental DNA

Recovery of the remotely operated vehicle ROV Kiel 6000 during the SONNE expedition SO229.

A dive to the ore factories of the deep sea

SONNE expedition with ROV KIEL 6000 studies ore formation in Papua New Guinea

Midnight sun in Eyjafjörður

ANTON and LUISE on mapping course off Iceland

Expedition with two autonomous underwater vehicles to the Grimsey hydrothermal field

Along the investigated beach section, all finds are examined and assigned to a predefined category.

Enjoying our beaches – without polluting them

Researchers from Kiel present first combined systematic study on litter in the micro and macro spectrum on Schleswig-Holstein's Baltic Sea beaches

Examination of a water sample during an excursion with the research cutter LITTORINA

Coasts as climate protectors

A new study involving three German research centers shows: coastal wetlands and estuaries are collectively a net greenhouse gas sink