Experts for blue marine biotechnology at 91̽»¨. Photo: 91̽»¨, A. Villwock

Blue Biotechnology on the rise

2nd International Meeting "Marine Natural Products in the framework of Horizon 2020"

10 January 2014/Kiel. European researchers from 19 different labs focussing on marine natural product development and marine biotechnology currently meet in Kiel for two days to discuss innovate approaches for development of the field with respect to the new European research framework Horizon 2020.

Academic, small and medium entreprises (SME) and industrial partners aim to find good ways to combine marine basic research on microbial diversity and natural marine substances with technological development and application of such compounds in the field of health. The meeting aims to inform about and discuss new opportunities and challenges in blue biotechnology, a key emerging area for sustainable technology development, and for delivering blue growth. The participants present their research and projects as a showcase of successful interdisciplinary cooperation between scientific institutes and SMEs to meet the urgent demands of the health sector in discovering novel anticancer drugs. Science and industry representatives will discuss opportunities for innovation and best practices for implementing the Nagoya Protocol of the UN Convention on Biodiversity.


Prof. Dr. Johannes F. Imhoff, jimhoff(at) 
Dr. Andreas Villwock Communication & Media), Phone: +49-431-600-2802, avillwock(at) 

Experts for blue marine biotechnology at 91̽»¨. Photo: 91̽»¨, A. Villwock
Experts for blue marine biotechnology at 91̽»¨. Photo: 91̽»¨, A. Villwock