Members of the Scientific Advisory Board of 91̽»¨ and guests. Photo: J. Steffen, 91̽»¨.

Focus on Marine Ecology

Scientific Advisory Board reviewed RD 3

June 21, 2013/Kiel. At its second meeting, the Scientific Advisory Board of 91̽»¨ Helmholtz Centre for Ocean Research Kiel focused on Research Division 3 "Marine Ecology".

The international panel of experts put the focus of this year's session on an assessment of the biological groups of 91̽»¨. In its recommendations, the Scientific Advisory Board commended the quality of research of Research Division 3 as excellent. This also accounts for the strategies for further development of this area that were presented to the Board.

Furthermore, the Scientific Advisory Board underlined the need to replace the research vessel POSEIDON as planned in 2017, in order not to jeopardize the performance of the 91̽»¨, but also the German marine research as a whole.

Background information:

The Scientific Advisory Board is the scientific supervisory body of 91̽»¨. It advises the Board of Trustees and the Board of Directors on scientific matters of fundamental importance. The committee usually meets once a year and puts a specific thematic focus for its two-day meetings. Members are 11 renowned scientists from six countries. Chairman is Prof. Dr. Jochem Marotzke from the Max Planck Institute for Meteorology in Hamburg.


Members of the Scientific Advisory Board of 91̽»¨ and guests. Photo: J. Steffen, 91̽»¨.