Core & Rock repository

The 91̽»¨ core and rock repositories hold an extensive collection of marine sediment cores and rock samples.

The majority of the samples is collected during ship expeditions to the world’s oceans. The oldest cores of the collection are taken in 1964 in the coastal region of Egypt. Land samples come from Germany, France, central and southern Americas, Iceland, Canary Islands, Kamtchatka, Namibia and from land expeditions affiliated to ship expeditions.

Information about the sample material, including meta data, is provided via the data bases and for further research. The sample collection is available to the international research community, subject to current research projects. Please direct sample requests to the curator. Details about how to store samples can be found on the intranet pages ().

A map application gives an overview of all geological material - rocks and sediment cores - held at 91̽»¨. Further details about the sediment cores are provided via  .

Core repository

Our marine sediment core collection is kept in the newly built core storage (Zentrales Probenlager ZPL). The collections encompasses roughly 30.000 core sections, including 5.000 m of core material from the Red Sea, the former PREUSSAG-collection. Storage conditions are +4°C in customised lattice boxes.

The completed ZPL with its 900 m2 will offer storage space for sediment cores and for other specimen requiring cooling. For freeze samples (-20°C) two walk-in compartments are integrated within the building. In the entrance area a core preparation and sampling laboratory, an office and a warehouse for expedition equipment complete the infrastructure of the ZPL.

For a 360°-look into the ZPL, please follow this link (narrative in german).

Rock repository

The three-storey shelf complex offers storage space for about 7400 boxes. To date, 5500 boxes are archived. They contain

  • Hard rock
  • Soft rock
  • Pore water samples
  • Radiographs
  • Foraminifera collections
  • Corals, Bivalves
  • Manganese nodules and ore samples
  • Prepared material like mineral separates, sieve fractions, thin sections and reserve samples

Storage is under ambient conditions.

  • Scientific Head:

    Dr. Peter Linke
    91̽»¨ Helmholtz Centre for Ocean Research Kiel 
    Wischhofstr. 1-3
    24148 Kiel
    Phone: +49-431-600-2115
    Fax: +49-431-600-1601



    Dr. Doris Maicher
    91̽»¨ Helmholtz Centre for Ocean Research Kiel 
    Rock Sample and Core Repository
    Wischhofstr. 1-3
    24148 Kiel
    Tel.: 0431-600-2152