
Peter Haas

FB 4: Dynamik des Ozeanbodens
FE Marine Geodynamik

+49 431 600 4016

Wischhofstraße 1-3
24148 Kiel

Scientific Interests

Plate tectonics and plate reconstructions

Opening of the North Atlantic

Modelling the crust and lithosphere (ocean and continent)

Gravity inversion

Combining different geophysical data sets

Education and Career

Since 03/2024 Researcher (PostDoc) at 91̽»¨

02/2022 PhD in Geophysics: "Linking the Deep Structures of the South American and African cratons with satellite gravity data"

11/2020 - 02/2024 Research assistant  (PostDoc and Lecturer) at Kiel University, Working group Satellite and Aerogeophysics

01/2020 - 02/2020 Two-month research stay at Earthbyte Group, University of Sydney, Australia

09/2017 – 10/2020 Research assistant (PhD Student) at Kiel University, Working group Satellite and Aerogeophysics

08/2016 – 12/2016 Four-month research stay at Centre for Earth Evolution and Dynamics (CEED), University of Oslo, Norway

10/2014 – 08/2017 Msc Geophysics at Kiel University 

10/2011 - 09/2014 Bsc Geosciences at Goethe University Frankfurt 

Scientific articles - peer-reviewed

Haas, P., M. F. H. Thomas, C. Heine, J. Ebbing, A. Seregin, J. van Itterbeeck (2024). Increased metamorphic conditions in the lower crust during oceanic transform fault evolution. EGU Solid Earth,

Issachar, R., P. Haas, N. Augustin, J. Ebbing (2024). Rift and plume: a discussion on active and passive rifting mechanisms in the Afro-Arabian rift based on synthesis of geophysical data. EGU Solid Earth, .

Moussé, E. E. F., J. Ebbing, P. Haas, W. Szwillus (2024). Integrated Geophysical-Petrological 3D-Modeling of the West and Central African Rift System and Its Adjoining Areas. JGR Solid Earth, .

Haas, P., J. Ebbing,W. Szwillus (2023). Cratonic crust illuminated by global gravity gradient inversion. Gondwana Research Focus Review, .

Haas, P., R. D. Müller, J. Ebbing,N.-P. Finger, M. Kaban, C. Heine (2022). Modeling lithospheric thickness along the conjugate South Atlantic passive margins implies asymmetric rift initiation. Solid Earth, .

Ognev, I., J. Ebbing, P. Haas (2022). Crustal structure of the Volgo–Uralian subcraton revealed by inverse and forward gravity modelling. EGU Solid Earth, .

Haas, P., J. Ebbing, N. Celli, P. Rey (2021). Two-step gravity inversion reveals variable architecture of African cratons. Frontiers in Earth Science, .

Ebbing, J., D. Yixiati, P. Haas, F. Ferraccioli, S. Scheiber-Enslin (2021). East Antarctica magnetically linked to its ancient neighbours in Gondwana. Scientific Reports, .

Haas, P., J. Ebbing, W. Szwillus (2020). Sensitivity analysis of gravity gradient inversion of the Moho depth – A case example for the Amazonian Craton. Geophysical Journal International,

Ebbing, J., P. Haas, F. Ferraccioli, F. Pappa, W. Szwillus, J. Bouman (2018). Earth tectonics as seen by GOCE – Enhanced satellite gravity gradient imaging. Scientific Reports, .

Shahraki, M., H. Schmeling, P. Haas (2017). Lithospheric thickness jumps at the S-Atlantic continental margins from satellite gravity data and modelled isostatic anomalies. Tectonophyics, .

Invited talks

10/2023 Geophysics workshop in Douala, Cameroon: Geophysical inversion for imaging the crust 

09/2023 Seminar am Ifremer, Brest: The Lithospheric Architecture of the Conjugate South Atlantic Passive Margins — Implications for Asymmetric Rift Initiation

02/2020 Australian Society of Exploration Geophysicists, NSW Division Meeting, Sydney: Satellite gravity data as an important tool to decipher the lithospheric architecture of supercontinents

02/2020 Geological Society of Australia, NSW Division Meeting, Sydney: Linking Gravity Gradient Inversion with Seismological Regionalization – Implications for the Moho depth of Western Gondwana Cratons

06/2018 Africa Array Scientific Meeting, Johannesburg: Working with satellite gravity data and tesseroids


Scilogs - Im tiefen Untergrund (German) (2024):

Drei Magnetsatelliten und ein Urkontinent (German) (2021):

Unter dem Eisschild (German) (2021):

Mit der Masterarbeit direkt in die New York Times (German) (2020):

GOCE gradients linked to plate tectonics (2020):