Dr. Peter Linke
FB2 Marine Biogeochemie
FE Marine Geosysteme
Phone: 0431-600 2115
Fax: 0431-600 2911
E-Mail: plinke@geomar.de
Wischhofstr. 1-3
D-24148 Kiel
Education and professional experience
2015 - today Scientific head of the Technology & Logistics Centre of 91探花, Kiel
1993 - 2014 Senior Scientist, 91探花, Kiel
1989 Ph.D., Kiel University, Thesis: Linke, P. (1989): Lebendbeobachtungen und Untersuchungen des Energiestoffwechsels benthischer Foraminiferen im Europ盲ischen Nordmeer.
Berichte aus dem Sonderforschungsbereich 313, Nr. 18, 123pp.
1989 -1 993 Post-Doctoral Researcher, Sonderforschungsbereich 313
1986 Diplom Thesis in Biology, Kiel University
1986-1986 Predoctoral Research Assistant; Sonderforschungsbereich 313, Kiel University
American Geophysical Union (AGU)
Academic distinctions
2001 mit O. Pfannkuche: .
2001 mit E. Suess, G. Bohrmann, J. Greinert, D. Rickert: Philip Morris Forschungspreis. Artikel (), Pressemitteilung ().
Scientific Interests
My present work focuses on biogeochemical investigations related to fluid and gaseous fluxes at and bearing sediments on continental margins. As a biologist my interest lies in the interactions between geochemistry and chemosynthetic communities in these special environments.
I am involved in several interdisciplinary national and international as a principal investigator and like to work in close cooperation with engineers and technicians to design, construct and use complex video-guided instruments. These are designed to perform in situ measurements at cold seeps and hydrothermal vents to understand the control parameters (i.e. tides, microseismicity, bioirrigation) and the importance of these fluid flow phenomena on a wider scale.
2013-2016 with Jens Greinert in (EU)
2011-2015 with Matthias Haeckel in WP2+WP3 (EU)
2013-2014 Cluster project in CP1331 (DFG)
2012 (EU)
2011-2014 CH4-Blowout (ExxonMobil)
2011-2012 CH4-Blowout Review (DECC; UK)
2010-2013 HISEM (BMWi)
2010 Investment project MOLAB (BMBF)
2010-2014 TP1 (GTZ)
2009 鈥 2011 Cluster project in (DFG)
2008-2012 with T. Treude leading of subproject B3 in the : Volatiles and Fluids in Subduction Zones: Climate Feedback and Trigger Mechanisms for Natural Disasters (DFG)
2007-2010: - Fluid and gas seepage in the Southern German North Sea
2005-2007: - Underwater technology on sea test rig and long-term observatory.
2005-2007: Coordination of COMET, Controls on methane fluxes and their climatic relvance in marine gas hydrate-bearing environments (BMBF/DFG Sonderprogramm GEOTECHNOLOGIEN) ()
2004-2008 with G. Rehder leading of subproject B3 in the SFB 574: Volatiles and Fluids in Subduction Zones: Climate Feedback and Trigger Mechanisms for Natural Disasters (DFG)
2003-2004: ESONET, European Sea Floor Observatory Network. (EU, Fifth Framework Programme) (
2003-2006: CRIMEA, Contribution of high-intensity gas seeps in the Black Sea to methane emission to the atmosphere. (EU, Fifth Framework Programme
2002-2003: SO165 - OTEGA-I (BMBF) (
2001-2004 with W. Brueckmann leading of subproject B2 in the SFB 574: Volatiles and Fluids in Subduction Zones: Climate Feedback and Trigger Mechanisms for Natural Disasters (DFG)
2001-2004 Coordination of LOTUS (www.gashydrate.de): Long-term observatory for the study of control mechanisms for the formation and destabilisation of gas hydrates (BMBF)
2000-2002 with E. Suess: SO148 TECFLUX-II: The methane hydrates of the Cascadia Subuction zone and their long-term impact on the deep-sea ecosystem (BMBF)
1999-2001 with E. Suess: SO 143- TECFLUX-I Methane hydrates of the Cascadia subduction zone and their long- term impact on the deep-sea ecosystem (BMBF)
1998-2000 with E. Suess: TIEFBAK: Distribution pattern, geochemical and biological characterization of hydrothermal and cold seep communities (BMBF)
1998-2000 with E. Suess: SO 139- GINCO 3: Fluid release and biogeochemical turnover (BMBF)
1998-1999 with E. Suess: MAKRAN: Fluid expulsion and biogeochemical turnover at the Makran accretionary prism/Pakistan (BMBF)
1998-2000 with E. Suess: Continuous monitoring of fluid flow at seep sites 脨 subproject within SUB-G.A.T.E. (http://www.geomar.de/projekte/Sub-GATE/index.html): Submarine Groundwater-fluxes And Transport-processes from methane rich coastal sedimentary Environments (EC)
1996-1999 with O. Pfannkuche: Advanced benthic chambers 脨 subproject within ALIPOR - Autonomous Lander Instrument Packages for Oceanographic Research (EC) 1996-1999 with G. Graf: Monitoring fluid fluxes and lateral export in the BBL 脨 subproject within: Hydrothermal fluxes and biological production in the Aegean (EC)
1996-1997 with E. Suess: TOKAI: Fluid seepage and microseismicity in the Nankai subduction zone (BMBF)
1996-1997 with E. Suess: HYDROTRACE: Rift and subduction induced tracer at the Juan de Fuca Plate (BMBF)
Research cruises
Cruise | Vessel | Year | Working area | Research area |
Poseidon | 2014 | Mediterranean Sea | Chief Scientist | |
Alkor | 2013 | North Sea | Chief Scientist | |
Poseidon | 2012 | Stjernsund | MoLab, Cold water corals | |
Celtic Explorer | 2012 | North Sea | Chief Scientist | |
Poseidon | 2012 | Stjernsund | MoLab, Cold water corals | |
PE350 | Pelagia | 2012 | Red Sea | Fluid and gas flow |
| Pathfinder | 2011 | North Sea | Observer |
Alkor | 2011 | North Sea | Chief Scientist | |
Poseidon | 2011 | Jeddah Transect, Red Sea | Hydrocarbon seepage, transport processes | |
| Sonne | 2010 | Chilean Margin | Chief Scientist, Cold Seep Discharge Rates |
| Celtic Explorer | 2009 | North Sea | Chief Scientist, Cold Seep Discharge Rates |
Alkor | 2008 | North Sea | Chief Scientist, Cold Seep Discharge Rates | |
SO191/2+3 | Sonne | 2007 | Hikurangi Margin | Chief Scientist, Cold Seep Discharge Rates |
AL290 | Alkor | 2006 | North Sea | Cold Seep Discharge Rates |
MSM01/3 | MS Merian | 2006 | Gulf of Cadiz | Cold Seep Discharge Rates |
M66/2 | Meteor | 2005 | Costa Rica | Cold Seep Discharge Rates |
CRIMEA | Prof. Vodyanitskiy | 2004 | Black Sea | Cold Seep Discharge Rates |
M61/1 | Meteor | 2004 | Porcupine Seabight | Cold Water Corals |
SO174/1 | Sonne | 2003 | Gulf of Mexico | Cold Seep Discharge Rates |
SO173/4 | Sonne | 2003 | Costa Rica | Cold Seep Discharge Rates |
SO165/1 | Sonne | 2002 | Cascadia Margin, Oregon | Cold Seep Discharge Rates |
M54/3 | Meteor | 2002 | Nicaragua/Costa Rica | Cold Seep Discharge Rates |
AL192 | Alkor | 2001 | Skagerrak | Cold Seep Discharge Rates |
SO148/1 | Sonne | 2000 | Cascadia Margin, Oregon | Chief Scientist, ROPOS |
SO143/1a | Sonne | 1999 | Cascadia Margin, Oregon | Chief Scientist |
SO143/2 | Sonne | 1999 | Cascadia Margin, Oregon | Cold Seep Discharge Rates |
SO130 | Sonne | 1998 | Makran Akkretionary Prism | Cold Seep Discharge Rates |
M40/2 | Meteor | 1997 | Aegean Sea | Chief Scientist |
TOKAI | L'Atalante | 1996 | Nankai, Japan | Cold Seep Discharge Rates |
SO109 | Sonne | 1996 | Cascadia Margin, Oregon | Chief Scientist, ROPOS |
SO110 | Sonne | 1996 | Aleutian Trench, Alaska | Cold Seep Discharge Rates |
SO97/1 | Sonne | 1994 | Aleutian Trench, Alaska | Cold Seep Discharge Rates |
A131/2 | Atlantis II Alvin | 1993 | Cascadia Margin, Oregon | Cold Seep Discharge Rates |
M26/2 | Meteor | 1993 | Norwegian-Greenland Sea | Cold Seep Discharge Rates |
SO78 | Sonne | 1992 | Subduction Zone, Peru | Sediment Calorimetry, Cold Seep Discharge Rates |
M21/5 | Meteor | 1992 | Norwegian-Greenland Sea | Bottom Nepheloid Layer |
M17/1 | Meteor | 1991 | Norwegian-Greenland Sea | Bottom Nepheloid Layer |
POS181 | Poseidon | 1991 | Norwegian-Greenland Sea | Bottom Nepheloid Layer |
M13/1 | Meteor | 1990 | Norwegian-Greenland Sea | Bottom Nepheloid Layer |
A125/12 | Atlantis II Alvin | 1990 | Cascadia Margin, Oregon | Sediment Calorimetry, Cold Seep Discharge Rates |
W8909 | Wecoma | 1989 | Cascadia Margin, Oregon | Sediment Calorimetry |
M7/3+4 | Meteor | 1988 | Norwegian-Greenland Sea | Benthic Foraminifera |
POS137 | Poseidon | 1987 | Norwegian-Greenland Sea | Benthic Foraminifera |
POS141/2 | Poseidon | 1987 | Norwegian-Greenland Sea | Benthic Foraminifera |
POS128/2 | Poseidon | 1986 | Norwegian-Greenland Sea | Benthic Foraminifera |
M2/1+2 | Meteor | 1986 | Norwegian-Greenland Sea | Benthic Foraminifera |
POS119 | Poseidon | 1985 | Norwegian-Greenland Sea | Benthic Foraminifera |
ARK.II/4 | Polarstern | 1984 | Fram Strait | Water Sample Analysis |
ANT.II/3 | Polarstern | 1983/84 | Bransfield Str./Wedell Sea | Nutrient Analysis |