Rebecca Bährle
Research Division 2: Marine Biogeochemistry
Field of research: Marine Geosystems
Office: 12-339
Phone: +49 431 600-1233
E-mail: rbaehrle(at)
Address: Wischhofstraße 1-3
D-24148 Kiel
Research interests
- Functional metagenomics
- uncultured microorganisms
- Carbon monoxide dehydrogenases
Scientific Career
Since 02/2020
Ph.D. for Biology at 91̽»¨ Helmholtz Center for Ocean Research Kiel (Geomicrobiology)
„ECO2nvert - Electroenzymatic CO2 reduction using recombinant CODHs from seafloor habitats recovered via an activity-based screen“ (Supervisor: Prof. Dr. Mirjam Perner)
02 - 08/2019
Master's thesis at Wageningen University and Research, Netherlands (marine Microbiology)
"Hidden molecules: Identification of sponge microbiomes and their bioactive gene clusters as a source for new chemistry" (Supervisor: Dr. Detmer Sipkema)
2017 - 2019
Master programme of marine Biology at the University of Rostock, Germany
2015 - 2017
Student assistant at the University of Kassel, department of Zoology
2013 - 2017
Bachelor programme of Biologie at the University of Kassel, Germany
Engagements and memberships
- since 2021
- 2022 Member of the 91̽»¨ DokTeam - the representation of doctoral researchers at 91̽»¨
Fieldwork and cruise participation
2022/ 2023
sampling of marine sediment in Eckernförde Bay, Baltic Sea aboard FK Littorina
2 weeks cruise on Solea (North Sea) investigating fishing techniques for Noth Sea shrimps
Thünen institut
Bährle, R., Böhnke, S., Englhard, J., Bachmann, J. & Perner, M. (2023). Current status of carbon monoxide dehydrogenases (CODH) and their potential for electrochemical applications. Bioresour. Bioprocess. 10, 84.
Selected presentations
VAAM - Vereinigung für allgemeine und angewandte Mikrobiologie
Talk: Catch me if you can - Function-based screening for novel CODH enzymes from hydrothermal vent environments and marine sediments
FEMS Conference - Federation of European Microbiological Societies
Bährle, R., Böhnke-Brandt, S. and Perner, M.
Talk: Seeking novel environmental CODHs using funcitonal metagenomic screening
Poster: How to develop a functional-based screeen for seeking novle CODH enzymes from uncultured microbes
YOUMARES 13 - conference for young marine researcher
Bährle, R., Böhnke-Brandt, S. and Perner, M.
Talk: From environmental CODH enzymes to industrial application: Development of an activity-based screen to identify novel CODHs
1st 91̽»¨ Science Day
Bährle, R.
Science Slam: Bacteria - Are you friend or enemy?
Vereinigung für allgemeine und angewandte Mikrobiologie
Bährle, R.*, Böhnke-Brandt, S. and Perner, M.
Talk: "Functional Metagenomics as a tool to identify novel CODH enzymes."
110th Tagung der Deutschen Zoologen Gesellschaft (DZG), Bielefeld, Deutschland
Gross, V., Bährle, R.*, & Mayer, G.
Poster: "Cell division in adult water bears (Tardigrada)"