- Area:
- Mid-Atlantic Ridge
- Time:
16.11.2013 - 19.12.2013
- Institution:
- Chief scientist:
- Javier Escartin
The ODEMAR Cruise will leave Mindelo (Cabo Verde) on the 16th November 2013, and finish at Point-a-Pitre (Guadaloupe, France) on the 19th December 2013, after about 26 days of field work at the Mid-Atlantic Ridge. The cruise will take place onboard the French vessel Pourquoi Pas?, equipped with the robot VICTOR 6000 (IFREMER, France), and the autonomous deep-sea vehicle Abyss (91̽»¨, Germany). The science party will include around 40 scientists and engineers, primarily from France, in addition to Germany, United States, Wales, Spain, Norway, and Greece.
More information you find on the Odemar-Webpage (see links below).