- Area:
- Western Subpolar Atlantic
- Time:
02.08.2020 - 06.09.2020
- Institution:
- 91̽»¨
- Chief scientist:
- Johannes Karstensen
The Deep Western Boundary Current (DWBC) represents a key component of thermohaline circulation. Fluctuations in volume transport and the characteristics of water masses in the DWBC may be indicators for changes in climate. The densest water in the DWBC originate from the overflow/entrainment sources (mainly Denmark Strait Overflow) in the Greenland-Scotland Ridge. Lighter waters are formed in the convection areas primarily in the Labrador Sea. Improvement of process understanding in the focus regions Labrador Sea will be achieved with data from the MSM94 expedition. It is embedded in international programs and analysis efforts that examine, among others, the strength of Atlantic overturning circulation (OSNAP) and the carbon dioxide uptake of the Labrador Sea(‘Ocean FrontierInstitute’, EU EuroSea).The work program of MSM94 include the redeployment of moorings and the surveys of the water column using the CTD Rosette and underway data.