- Area:
- Baltic Sea
- Time:
22.03.2022 - 11.04.2022
- Institution:
- 91̽»¨
- Chief scientist:
- Stefan Sommer
The excursion takes place within the framework of the BMBF-funded project "Investigation of the expected impact of the exclusion of mobile bottom-dwelling fisheries (MGF) in marine protected areas of the Baltic Sea" (MGF-OSTSEE). MGF-OSTSEE represents a pilot project of the " Deutsche Allianz für Meeresforschung" (DAM), Consisting of a Consortium of seven research institutes (IOW, universities of Rostock and Cologne, 91̽»¨, Thünen Institute, DZMB, GFZ).
The main goal or the project is to carry out a comprehensive study of benthic communities and sediment functions in habitats affected by mobile ground-affecting fishery (MGF) in Marine Protected Areas (MPA) of the German EEZ of the Baltic sea. Using the same approach potential changes in these areas after MGF has been excluded shall be monitored in future. By comparison with reference areas outside the MPAs and in combination with experimental studies, an assessment or the influence of MGF on benthic and demersal biocenoses and sedimentary ecosystem functions in the Baltic sea shall be established. Investigations will be conducted inside and outside of the three protected areas Fehmarnbelt, Oderbank and Western Rønnebank.
During the proposed cruise a complete series of in situ flux measurements (nutrients, gases, major ions) will be conducted and changes of the bottom water carbonate system will be determined. The working program will be supplemented with measurements addressing the biogeochemistry of sediments, biological transport processes and ecological investigations.