GAME-Alumni projects IV - V
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Name: Yasmin Shirin Appelhans
Interests: Seawater acidification, predator-prey interactions, crabs, sea stars
Job/Location: PhD candidate, 91探花, Kiel, Germany
GAME Project: V
Team: Brasil
Contact: yappelhans@geomar.de
Interests: Seawater acidification, predator-prey interactions, crabs, sea stars
Job/Location: PhD candidate, 91探花, Kiel, Germany
GAME Project: V
Team: Brasil
Contact: yappelhans@geomar.de
Name: Kazuhiro Bessho
Interests: Mathematical biology, evolutional ecology, life history, macroalgae (seaweed), alternation of generations
Job/Location: PhD candidate, Kyushu University, Fukuoka, Japan
GAME-Project: V
Team: Japan
Contact: bessho@bio-math10.biology.kyushu-u.ac.jp
Interests: Mathematical biology, evolutional ecology, life history, macroalgae (seaweed), alternation of generations
Job/Location: PhD candidate, Kyushu University, Fukuoka, Japan
GAME-Project: V
Team: Japan
Contact: bessho@bio-math10.biology.kyushu-u.ac.jp
Name: Sarah Debus
Interests: Promotion and support of young researchers in natural science and engineering. We give free lectures in robotics, renewable energy, fuel-cell technology and many other current topics to dispel the students鈥 fear of technology and also to encourage the junior staff in going in this direction.
Job/Location: Controller of the the zdi-Zentrum BeST (Bergisches Schul-Technikum), Wuppertal
GAME-Project: V
Team: Portugal
Contact: debus@nrw-best.de
Interests: Promotion and support of young researchers in natural science and engineering. We give free lectures in robotics, renewable energy, fuel-cell technology and many other current topics to dispel the students鈥 fear of technology and also to encourage the junior staff in going in this direction.
Job/Location: Controller of the the zdi-Zentrum BeST (Bergisches Schul-Technikum), Wuppertal
GAME-Project: V
Team: Portugal
Contact: debus@nrw-best.de
Name: Joshua Fielding
Interests: I am currently working for the Australian Government in Fisheries Management, on tropical prawn fishery. This fishery occurs in the far north of Australia and uses the trawling method. Day to day tasks include creating the policy and legislation that fisheries need to abide and operate by, i.e. the rules that they need to follow while conducting their fishing operations. This can come in the form of areas they can and can鈥檛 operate and the methods and gear that they can use, or how much of a species they are allowed to catch.
Job/Location: Senior Management Officer Northern Prawn Fishery, Australian Fisheries Management Authority
GAME-Project: V
Team: Australia
Contact: Joshua.fielding@afma.gov.au
Interests: I am currently working for the Australian Government in Fisheries Management, on tropical prawn fishery. This fishery occurs in the far north of Australia and uses the trawling method. Day to day tasks include creating the policy and legislation that fisheries need to abide and operate by, i.e. the rules that they need to follow while conducting their fishing operations. This can come in the form of areas they can and can鈥檛 operate and the methods and gear that they can use, or how much of a species they are allowed to catch.
Job/Location: Senior Management Officer Northern Prawn Fishery, Australian Fisheries Management Authority
GAME-Project: V
Team: Australia
Contact: Joshua.fielding@afma.gov.au
Name: Nina Kriegisch
Interests: Ecology, nudibranchs, sharks, deep sea; hobbies: bushwalking, diving, climbing, yoga, cooking, photography, camping
Job/Location: PhD work 鈥淢anaging Rocky Reefs for Resilience in Port Phillip Bay鈥 at the IMAS in Hobart, Tasmania, and Melbourne, Victoria, Australia
GAME Project: V
Team: Australia
Contact: nkriegisch@gmx.de
Interests: Ecology, nudibranchs, sharks, deep sea; hobbies: bushwalking, diving, climbing, yoga, cooking, photography, camping
Job/Location: PhD work 鈥淢anaging Rocky Reefs for Resilience in Port Phillip Bay鈥 at the IMAS in Hobart, Tasmania, and Melbourne, Victoria, Australia
GAME Project: V
Team: Australia
Contact: nkriegisch@gmx.de
Name: Andreas Kubicek
Interests: Coral reef ecology, resilience and phase shifts, ecological modelling
Job/Location: PhD student, Center for Tropical Marine Ecology (ZMT), Bremen, Germany
GAME Project: V
Team: Japan
Contact: akubicek@zmt-bremen.de
Interests: Coral reef ecology, resilience and phase shifts, ecological modelling
Job/Location: PhD student, Center for Tropical Marine Ecology (ZMT), Bremen, Germany
GAME Project: V
Team: Japan
Contact: akubicek@zmt-bremen.de
Name: Matth盲us Vasel
Job/Location: PhD candidate, Max Planck Institute of Biochmistry, Martinsried, University of Heidelberg
GAME Project: V
Team: Canada
Contact: matthaeusgeorgevasel@hotmail.de
Job/Location: PhD candidate, Max Planck Institute of Biochmistry, Martinsried, University of Heidelberg
GAME Project: V
Team: Canada
Contact: matthaeusgeorgevasel@hotmail.de
Name: Christian Pansch
Interests: Algae/herbivore- and algae/fouler-interactions in response to various abiotic stressors, - Predator/prey interactions in response to ocean acidification, - Ecological effects of climate change (ocean acidification, desalination and warming) on early life stages of calcareous organisms (mainly barnacles: Amphibalanus improvisus), Larval ecology of invertebrates
Job/Location: PhD candidate, 91探花, Kiel
GAME Project: V
Team: Chile
Contact: cpansch@geomar.de
Interests: Algae/herbivore- and algae/fouler-interactions in response to various abiotic stressors, - Predator/prey interactions in response to ocean acidification, - Ecological effects of climate change (ocean acidification, desalination and warming) on early life stages of calcareous organisms (mainly barnacles: Amphibalanus improvisus), Larval ecology of invertebrates
Job/Location: PhD candidate, 91探花, Kiel
GAME Project: V
Team: Chile
Contact: cpansch@geomar.de
Name: Adeline Piot
Interests: Benthic ecology, biodiversity, shellfish farming impacts, ecosystem functioning
Job/Location: PhD student Oceanography, Institut des sciences de la mer de Rimouski, Universit茅 du Qu茅bec 脿 Rimouski, Rimouski, QC, Canada
GAME Project: V
Team: Canada
Contact: adeline.piot@gmail.com
Interests: Benthic ecology, biodiversity, shellfish farming impacts, ecosystem functioning
Job/Location: PhD student Oceanography, Institut des sciences de la mer de Rimouski, Universit茅 du Qu茅bec 脿 Rimouski, Rimouski, QC, Canada
GAME Project: V
Team: Canada
Contact: adeline.piot@gmail.com
Name: Mauricio Cifuentes Navarro
Interests: Community ecology; Invasion ecology; Experimental ecology; Fouling communities; Pattern of succession in natural benthic and fouling communities;
Job/Location: Ph.D. candidate at Victoria University, Wellington, New Zealand
Links: rfouling.com
GAME-Project: III and IV
Team: Chile
Contact: Primary email address: mcifuent@gmail.com, other contact: mauricio.cifuentes@vuw.ac.nz
Interests: Community ecology; Invasion ecology; Experimental ecology; Fouling communities; Pattern of succession in natural benthic and fouling communities;
Job/Location: Ph.D. candidate at Victoria University, Wellington, New Zealand
Links: rfouling.com
GAME-Project: III and IV
Team: Chile
Contact: Primary email address: mcifuent@gmail.com, other contact: mauricio.cifuentes@vuw.ac.nz
Name: Stefanie Keller
Interests: Invasion ecology, costal ecology and conservation, cephalopods, coordination of international research projects, networking, outreach
Job/Location: Diploma biologist, Senckenberg Research Institute, German Center for Marine Biodiversity Research (DZMB). Coordinator of CeDAMar, a Census of Marine Life project (until 12/2010), Editorial Assistant of the journal Marine Biodiversity (Senckenberg/Springer)
GAME Project: IV
Team: Australia
Contact: skeller@senckenberg.de, stef_keller@gmx.de
Interests: Invasion ecology, costal ecology and conservation, cephalopods, coordination of international research projects, networking, outreach
Job/Location: Diploma biologist, Senckenberg Research Institute, German Center for Marine Biodiversity Research (DZMB). Coordinator of CeDAMar, a Census of Marine Life project (until 12/2010), Editorial Assistant of the journal Marine Biodiversity (Senckenberg/Springer)
GAME Project: IV
Team: Australia
Contact: skeller@senckenberg.de, stef_keller@gmx.de
Name: Ina Kr眉ger
Interests: Integrated Coastal Zone Management & Marine Spatial Planning, Integrated Water Resources Management, Water Governance, Sustainable Development, Stakeholder Participation
Job/Location: Researcher and consultant at Deltares (Department Policy and Planning), specialization: marine- and freshwater planning and governance. Leiden, Netherlands
GAME Project: IV
Team: Chile
Contact: ina.krueger@deltares.nl
Interests: Integrated Coastal Zone Management & Marine Spatial Planning, Integrated Water Resources Management, Water Governance, Sustainable Development, Stakeholder Participation
Job/Location: Researcher and consultant at Deltares (Department Policy and Planning), specialization: marine- and freshwater planning and governance. Leiden, Netherlands
GAME Project: IV
Team: Chile
Contact: ina.krueger@deltares.nl
Name: Heike Link
Interests: Benthos, ecosystem functioning, Arctic, nutrient fluxes, carbon fluxes, diversity
Job/Location: PhD candidate, Institut des sciences de la mer de Rimouski, Universit茅 du Qu茅bec 脿 Rimouski, Rimouski, QC, Canada
GAME Project: IV
Team: Japan
Contact: link.heike@gmail.com
Interests: Benthos, ecosystem functioning, Arctic, nutrient fluxes, carbon fluxes, diversity
Job/Location: PhD candidate, Institut des sciences de la mer de Rimouski, Universit茅 du Qu茅bec 脿 Rimouski, Rimouski, QC, Canada
GAME Project: IV
Team: Japan
Contact: link.heike@gmail.com
Name: Bj枚rn Stockhausen
Interests: Ecology, fisheries, natural resources, decision making, policy
Job/Location: European Commission, Joint Research Centre, Ispra, Italy
GAME Project: IV
Team: Finland
Contact: bjoern.stockhausen@web.de
Interests: Ecology, fisheries, natural resources, decision making, policy
Job/Location: European Commission, Joint Research Centre, Ispra, Italy
GAME Project: IV
Team: Finland
Contact: bjoern.stockhausen@web.de
Name: Thomas Vance
Interests: Biofouling, Ballast water, Biofilms, Ocean acidification, Macro algal and invertebrate ecology
Job/Location: R&D Manager Biofouling and Ballast Water Services at the Plymouth Marine Laboratory, Plymouth, Devon, U.K.
GAME Project: IV
Team: England
Contact: thva@pml.ac.uk
Interests: Biofouling, Ballast water, Biofilms, Ocean acidification, Macro algal and invertebrate ecology
Job/Location: R&D Manager Biofouling and Ballast Water Services at the Plymouth Marine Laboratory, Plymouth, Devon, U.K.
GAME Project: IV
Team: England
Contact: thva@pml.ac.uk
Name: Annika Weseloh
Interests: Marine ecology, fisheries and aquaculture, biophysical modelling, environmental education
Job/Location: Educational Department, OZEANEUM Stralsund GmbH, Germany
GAME Project: IV
Team: Malaysia
Contact: annika.weseloh@ozeaneum.de
Interests: Marine ecology, fisheries and aquaculture, biophysical modelling, environmental education
Job/Location: Educational Department, OZEANEUM Stralsund GmbH, Germany
GAME Project: IV
Team: Malaysia
Contact: annika.weseloh@ozeaneum.de
Name: Matthew Whittle
Interests: Field surveys of aquatic biological communities; Vessel inspections, Environmental risk and impact assessments, Introduced marine pest risk assessments
Job/Location: Marine Scientist, Hobart, Tasmania, Australia
GAME Project: IV
Team: Australia
Contact: mwhittle@aquenal.com.au; mwhittle@biofoulingsolutions.com.au
Interests: Field surveys of aquatic biological communities; Vessel inspections, Environmental risk and impact assessments, Introduced marine pest risk assessments
Job/Location: Marine Scientist, Hobart, Tasmania, Australia
GAME Project: IV
Team: Australia
Contact: mwhittle@aquenal.com.au; mwhittle@biofoulingsolutions.com.au
Name: Lisa Wiesmann
Interests: At the moment: how to teach individually in a class of 30 pupils - and how to teach generally
Job/Location: Teacher Trainee in Geography and Dutch in Kleve, Germany
GAME Project: IV
Team: New Zealand
Contact: Lisawiesmann@gmx.de
Interests: At the moment: how to teach individually in a class of 30 pupils - and how to teach generally
Job/Location: Teacher Trainee in Geography and Dutch in Kleve, Germany
GAME Project: IV
Team: New Zealand
Contact: Lisawiesmann@gmx.de