Information for students
Students who want to write their Master's thesis on a marine ecological topic can apply at any time for the following project year. Each May of the previous year, the research topic for the following year is announced.
If you are interested, simply download the application form, fill it out, attach a CV and a letter of motivation and send it to our contact address!
Participation requirements
Students from the fields of biology, ecology, environmental sciences or related studies who want to conduct a master's thesis in the field of marine ecology can participate. Enrollment at the Christian-Albrechts-Universität zu Kiel (CAU) is not necessary. The master's thesis will be registered at the home university.
For further questions about the application process please contact us directly via email: mlenz(at)
The topic for 2025: The influence of nocturnal artificial light on the growth of epiphytes growing on macroalgae.
What GAME offers
GAME is an interesting experience for students both scientifically and culturally. The scientific focus is on preparing, conducting and evaluating an ecological experiment. This includes writing the final paper, writing a scientific publication for an international journal, and giving presentations. During the entire project, the participants are intensively supervised by the participating scientists in Germany and abroad.
GAME offers a mixture of teamwork and independent work. The two partners of a team carry out the same experiments and can thus support each other. The work is differentiated, for example, by the choice of experimental organisms. Via email, video conferences and texts, all participants of a project remain connected even during the time abroad. In this way, GAME integrates students at an early stage into a global scientific network with currently 36 partner institutes around the world. In addition to the work, there is also time to get to know the host country and its culture. For more information, see Learn more about GAME.
Time schedule of the projects
1) Preparation in Kiel: All participants of a GAME project first come to Kiel for a preparation course for one month. Here, all necessary theoretical and practical knowledge is imparted, which is required for the execution of the experiments. At the same time, all participants of this cohort get to know each other.
2) Experiments abroad: In each partner country, the local GAME participant and his or her German partner carry out an experiment lasting several months, which has been prepared in detail in Kiel. In addition, each participant may also plan and conduct additional experiments on their own.
3) Follow-up in Kiel: All students of one cycle return to Kiel to evaluate the data obtained. This phase is intensively supervised by 91̽»¨ scientists. It starts with a comprehensive 2-week course in biostatistics. Then the global analysis of the data and the interpretation of the patterns found takes place. The subsequent module focuses on the communication of scientific results. After teaching the necessary techniques, a presentation is developed, which the participants present at various universities in northern Germany towards the end of the project. Intensive workshops on scientific writing and media competence round off the second part of the evaluation course. Finally, manuscripts will be written and prepared for publication in scientific journals.
Schleswig-Holstein is a state between two very different seas. This is a feature that makes it a fascinating location for marine research. GAME participants get to know both ecosystems: Biological-geological excursions take them to the Baltic Sea (Schleimünde/Lotseninsel) and to the North Sea (Westerhever Lighthouse or Langeness).
Insight into GAME
To get a comprehensive and vivid impression of what it means to participate in one of the GAME projects, feel free to browse our project reports, read the blog posts of current and former GAME participants under , visit our Facebook page or Instagram @game_geomar.