JEOL JXA 8200 Electron Probe Microanalyzer ()

  • Five wavelength dispersive (WD) spectrometers

  • One energy dispersive (ED) detector

  • Backscatter electron and secondary electron detectors

  • Optical microscope with reflected and transmitted light

WDS Crystal Spectrometers 

    • Spectrometer 1 (High-intensity)
      LDE1H, TAPH crystals
      10 cm Rowland circle
      H-type Ar-gas flow counter
    • Spectrometer 2 (High-intensity)
      LIFH,  PETH crystals
      10 cm Rowland circle
      H-type sealed Xe counter
    • Spectrometer 3 (XCE)
      LIFJ, PETJ crystals
      14 cm Rowland circle
      Sealed Xe counter
    • Spectrometer 4 (XCE)
      PETJ, TAPJ crystals
      14 cm Rowland circle
      Ar-gas flow counter

    • Spectrometer 5 (High-intensity)
      LIFH, PETH crystals
      10 cm Rowland circle
      H-type sealed Xe counter 



Our collection of international major and minor element standards include a wide range of natural and synthetic minerals and glasses, which enables us to solve a considerable range of analytical problems. An increasing emphasis is put on trace element analysis covering concentration ranges down to the hundred ppm (parts per million) range. Trace element standards include magmatic volatiles (F, Cl, S), a wide range of metals, and rare earth elements.


Pointlogger system 鈥淐oTrans鈥 with optical microscope
Carbon coating system




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