Towards mineral system modeling 2022 - 2024
We are part of a joint industry-academia consortium working on pathways towards mineral system modeling of submarine massive sulfide systems.
Advanced Earth System Modelling Capacity (ESM)
HGF, 2018-2021
The ESM project brings together multiple Helmholtz Centers in effort to develop and apply innovative Earth system modelling capacity and to contribute to solving grand challenges faced by mankind. We are involved in a sub-project aimed at constraining biogeochemical fluxes across the seafloor. Further information can be found here:
AIMS3 2020-2023
We are part of the consortium, which will deliver new insights, monitoring tools and best practice guidelines for CO2 storage at oceanic Carbon Capture and Storage (CCS) sites, specifically in crustal rocks (basaltic ocean crust) on the slow-spreading flanks of mid-ocean ridges (MORF) with sedimentary drape where CO2 can be fixated effectively without the risk of a later escape. Our role is to work with colleagues from Bremen University to explore the hydrogeologic regime of the Reykjanes Ridge south of Island using a joint observational, experimental, and computer modeling approach.
AIMS3 is part of the research mission of the German Marine Research Alliance (DAM) »Marine carbon sinks in decarbonisation pathways«.
PresHydrate, 2019-2020
PresHydrate is an industry funded project that was initiated to design a modeling framework that allows assessing the pressure regime around a dissociating hydrate layer.
DFG, 2020-2021
This project is part of the German IODP priority program funded by the German Science Foundation. Its goal is to use numerical reaction-transport models to identify key mechanisms that control iron discharge at fault-controlled hydrothermal systems along the Mid-Atlantic Ridge.
Serpentinisation, fluid flow, hydrogen and methane production at magma-poor margins: an example from the West Iberia margin
DFG, 2018-2021
We are partners in this project, which is hosted at Bremen University. The project is aimed at combining seismic data with tectonic and fluid flow modeling in order to constrain serpentinization reactions and associated abiological methane formation at the West Iberian Margin.
Multi-Phase Flow in High-Temperature Hydrothermal Systems at Oceanic Spreading Centres — A Case Study at the East Pacific Rise
DFG, 2018-2021
Project is hosted at Hamburg University. We are contributing the development of 3D multiphase flow models. Initial aim is to investigate phase separation processes at the EPR 9°N site.