Student projects and opportunities


  • Leon Waßmund (Kiel University): Petrological and geochemical characterisation of the crust exposed at the Mussau Ridge – Papua New Guinea.
    Supervisor(s): Dr. Philipp Brandl, Prof. Dr. Romain Bousquet
  • Julia Wenske (GeoZentrum Nordbayern, FAU Erlangen-Nürnberg): Geochemistry of mafic xenoliths and their host lavas recovered around Lihir during SO299 DYNAMET.
    Supervisor(s): Prof. Dr. Karsten Haase, Dr. Philipp Brandl



  • Rebecca Frey (University of Bonn): Characterisation of volcanic rocks recovered along the submarine extension of the Weitin Fault, Papua New Guinea.
    Supervisor(s):  Dr. Philipp Brandl, Prof. Dr. Ambre Luguet
    Julia Oliva (Constructor University, Bremen): Total mercury distribution in Eckernförde Bay – natural background and anthropogenic impact.
  • Supervisor(s): Prof. Dr. Sylvia Sander, Prof. Dr. Andrea Koschinsky, Dr. Rebecca Zitoun

Listed below are the project opportunities currently offered by MMR research staff.

For more information, please contact the specifed contact or the MMR Team Assistent (

PhD Projects

91̽»¨ is partner in the upcoming EU Marie SkÅ‚odowska-Curie Actions (MSCA) funded Doctoral Network "FluxBEATS – Fluxes at divergent plate Boundary Environments Analyzed in Time and Space" in collaboration with the unversities of Helsinki (Finland), Bergen (Norway), Münster (Germany), Politecnico di Torino (Italy), Claude Benard Lyon 1 (France) and the Geological Survey of Finland. A total of ten doctoral research projects will be advertised soon and two of them will be based at 91̽»¨ within our group and the seafloor modelling group.


  • currently no PhD projects.

Information about further potential projects and collaborations may be found in the individual profiles of the MMR Group's scientific staff.

MSc Projects

  • Mineralogy and geochemistry of seafloor massive sulfides of the western Pacific. Supervisor(s): Sven Petersen. Description: Microscopy, Element analysis
  • Manganese nodules from the Shatsky Rise and Oyin seamounts, West Pacific. Supervisor(s): Sven Petersen. Description: Data analyse (Lab work done)
  • Trace element distribution in seafloor massive sulfides associated with oceanic core complexes. Supervisor(s): Sven Petersen. Description: Ore Petrology, EMP and LA-ICPMS
  • Geology of the Guaymas Basin area. Supervisor(s): Anna Krätschell and Sven Petersen. Description: Bathymetry processing, structural and geological mapping
  • Fe-isotopes around hydrothermal vents (Kermadec Arc). Supervisor(s): Rebecca Zitoun and Sylvia Sander. Description: Literature review, Multicollector, Data analysis
  • Importance of Fe-ligands in Fe-cycling in polar regions. Supervisor(s): Rebecca Zitoun and Sylvia Sander, Description: Voltammetry, Data anlysis

BSc Projects

  • Please get in touch if you are interested in a specific BSc project in our group

HIWI Opportunities

** There are currently no HIWI positions advertised.