BIOACID - Biological Impacts Of Ocean Acidification

BIOACID - Biological Impacts Of Ocean Acidification
General information
BIOACID Phase III Research on ocean acidification has seen a remarkable development over the past decade and has become one of the fastest growing fields of research in marine sciences. Today it is among the top three global ocean research priorities. As one of the largest national research programmes on ocean acidification, BIOACID has significantly contributed to this development. Specifically, BIOACID has contributed to quantifying the effects of ocean acidification on marine organisms and their habitats, unravelling the mechanisms underlying the observed responses, assessing the potential for evolutionary adaptation, and determining how these responses are modulated by other environmental drivers. In doing so, BIOACID has taken a systems-approach, in which research activities were structured according to key ecosystem components and functional groups. This effort, in concert with research conducted in other international programmes and individual projects, has laid the foundation for an evaluation of the potential consequences of ocean acidification on marine ecosystems and ecosystem services, ocean biogeochemical cycles and feedbacks to the climate system. Along these lines, phase 3 of BIOACID aims to synthesize the information gained on ocean acidification impacts in an integrated assessment of sensitivities and uncertainties in order to identify the potential thresholds associated with ocean acidification, evaluate possible socio-economic consequences and identify management options. A key component of BIOACID’s third phase will be the dissemination of the synthesis results to a wide audience, ranging from the scientific community, stakeholders and decision makers to the general public, in a form which is easy to comprehend and as concisely and accurately as possible. Through a comprehensive scientific synthesis, combined with targeted outreach and communication, BIOACID aims at raising the awareness of ocean acidification and stimulating the public discourse about measures for societal adaptation and mitigation.
September, 2009
November, 2017
Funding (total)
Funding (91̽»¨)
Funding body / Programme
    BMBF /