ECO2nvert: Electroenzymatic CO2 reduction using recombinant CODHs from seafloor habitats recovered via an activity-based screen
ECO2nvert: Electroenzymatic CO2 reduction using recombinant CODHs from seafloor habitats recovered via an activity-based screen
Enzymes, the biological catalysts, often feature selectivities or activities unrivaled by the solid catalysts prevalent in industrial settings. A small number of them can be extracted from cultured microbes and exploited for industrial transformations. However, a tremendous enzymatic potential remains largely untapped among the currently uncultured microbial majority. This project aims at accessing this biological resource and demonstrating the enzymatic electrocatalytic activity for the reduction of CO2 (carbon dioxide) to CO (carbon monoxide) at nanostructured electrode surfaces using marine derived environmental CODH (CO-dehydrogenase) enzyme. The work is conducted in cooperation with Prof. Julien Bachmann, FAU; Germany).
February, 2020
January, 2023
Helmholtz-Zentrum für Ozeanforschung Kiel (91̽»¨), Germany
Länder: Germany