Virtual Interactive Resources and Tools in Universal Education-of the Sea

Virtual Interactive Resources and Tools in Universal Education-of the Sea
General information
VIRTUE is a school project aimed at stimulating an interest in science among students and also to contribute to further development of teachers. VIRTUE can be adapted to different ages and maturity levels. The younger children are fascinated by what they see and the activity can raise interest in life below the surface. At older ages, VIRTUE can be used as an interdisciplinary approach in biology, mathematics, environmental knowledge, and physics. VIRTUE is also suitable for thematic projects. The basic idea is simple: A number of CD-shaped plastic discs are mounted on a rack and placed in different underwater environments during different seasons. Analysing the growth of organisms on the discs and reporting the findings in a database or on paper enables the students to compare and discuss their results. VIRTUE provides ample opportunity to take an investigative approach to one's work; practice in setting up experiments; carry out measurements in the field, classroom or laboratory; interpret and report on the results. When the discs are retrieved, the organisms that settled on them are examined, identified and counted. Thus, different aspects of aquatic biology, such as recruitment or biofouling, can be studied. All participants can share their results using VIRTUE’s database and map function.
September, 2017
August, 2020
Funding (total)
Funding (91̽»¨)
Funding body / Programme
    EU /
Göteborgs Universitet (UGOT), Sweden
University of Gothenburg, Sweden
University West, Sweden
University of Maryland, USA
Öckerö Seglande Gymnasieskola, Sweden
Hebbelschule, Germany
Dades Daina-Isard, Spain