SpaCeParti: Coastal Fishery, Biodiversity, Spatial Use and Climate Change: A Participative Approach to navigate the Western Baltic Sea into a Sustainable Future

DAM SPaCeParti
SpaCeParti: Coastal Fishery, Biodiversity, Spatial Use and Climate Change: A Participative Approach to navigate the Western Baltic Sea into a Sustainable Future
General information
The aim of the SpaCeParti project is to develop scientific and policy action knowledge to guide fisheries in the Western Baltic Sea towards a sustainable future while addressing the needs of biodiversity protection, tourism and renewable energy production. To achieve this, two real-labs are being established, located in Stein Wendtorf (Schleswig-Holstein), where the fishery has a focus on cod, and in Greifswald (Mecklenburg-Western Pomerania), where the fishery mainly targets herring. The innovative real-lab approach in SpaCeParti will provide the platform for the development of future projects to eventually facilitate the transformation of fisheries from an endangered to a sustainable social-ecological system. In addition, gaps in the understanding of the functioning of the Western Baltic Sea ecosystem with special emphasis on biodiversity and recruitment processes of cod and herring stocks will be filled and spatially resolved models will be developed. Furthermore, governance structures will be investigated, economic models will be developed, and dynamic and adaptive policy pathways will be created.
December, 2021
November, 2024
Funding (total)
Funding (91̽»¨)
Funding body / Programme
    BMBF /
Universität Kiel (CAU), Germany
University of Hamburg, Germany
University of Leipzig (iDiv), Germany
Thünen Institute for Baltic Sea Fisheries in Rostock (TI), Germany
Leibniz Institute of Ecological and Regional Development (IOR), Germany