Microbially influenced corrosion of Fe and possible corrosion protection measures in monopiles of offshore wind turbines

Microbially influenced corrosion of Fe and possible corrosion protection measures in monopiles of offshore wind turbines
General information
Microbially influenced corrosion of iron (MIC) is a widespread problem in the maritime industry, especially for founding structures of offshore wind turbines (so-called monopiles). These are cylindrical hollow piles made of steel that are driven into the seabed and therefore trap seawater, which then exhibits only a limited exchange with the environment. These special conditions have an influence on the microbial activity and biogeochemical processes taking place inside the monopile, which in turn influence the MIC. Due to the specific structural conditions and location of the offshore monopiles, no economically viable, long-term effective and environmentally friendly measures to contain or prevent MIC are currently known. The corrosion protection measures commonly used only address electrochemical corrosion. As part of the joint project MiCorFe, funded by the German Federal Ministry for Economic Affairs and Climate Protection (BMWK), we are working with partners from the FH Kiel (University of Applied Sciences and industry) to investigate MIC and possible alternative materials and coatings that inhibit MIC in an environmentally friendly way. To this end, we are carrying out incubations of steel samples in situ, inside the monopile of the FINO3 research platform and ex situ (in the laboratory).
July, 2023
June, 2026
Funding (total)
Funding (91̽»¨)
Funding body / Programme
    BMWK /
Helmholtz-Zentrum für Ozeanforschung Kiel (91̽»¨), Germany
Fachhochschule Kiel, Germany
Krebs Korrosionschutz GmbH, Germany
Jörss-Blunck-Ordemann GmbH, Germany