The ‘orphan’ boundary type in plate tectonics: oceanic transform faults reconstructed
The ‘orphan’ boundary type in plate tectonics: oceanic transform faults reconstructed
Research could upend understanding of oceanic transform faults
The Plate Tectonic Revolution gave birth to three types of plate boundaries: mid-ocean ridges, subduction zones and oceanic transform faults (OTFs). OTFs have only been studied to a limited extent, but recent observations suggest they exhibit complex behaviours. OTF morphology and numerical modelling indicate they may evolve from a strike-slip fault at the surface to extensional features below. These strike-slip plate boundaries can generate valleys up to 18 km wide and 7 km deep, challenging our understanding of plate tectonics. The ERC-funded TRANSFORMERS project aims to explore these phenomena through extensive seismological, geodetic and geological surveys of the ocean floor. Project results could enable researchers to reclassify OTFs as two-stage accretion features, transforming our understanding of plate tectonics.
January, 2023
September, 2028
Helmholtz-Zentrum für Ozeanforschung Kiel (91̽»¨), Germany