July 5, 2021: Online Ocean Circulation and Climate Dynamics Colloquium

Prof. Dr. Axel Timmermann, Center for Climate Physics, Institute for Basic Research, Pusan, South Korea, and Pusan National University, Pusan (South Korea): "Mesoscale-resolving Greenhouse Warming simulations"

online 11 am

When?     Monday, 05 July 2021 at 11am
Where?    ZOOM meeting room:
Meeting-ID: 863 0805 0327
Kenncode: 551848


Mesoscale processes play an important role in the energy balance of our earth system. However, it remains uncertain how this variability will respond to greenhouse warming and whether representing the underlying dynamics in climate models may alter the projected patterns of climate change, relative to coarser-resolution models. To address these questions the ICCP in South Korea conducted a series of century-long high-resolution coupled greenhouse warming simulations using the Community Earth System Model (CESM), version 1.2. Oceanic processes are captured with a nominal grid spacing of 1/10 degree and the atmosphere uses a 1/4 degree resolution - enough to simulate the eyewall structure of strong tropical cyclones. In my presentation I will first discuss the overall performance of our coupled model simulation, the improvement of coupled biases and the large-scale response to CO2 doubling and quadrupling. I will then showcase three examples of how greenhouse warming alters the statistics and dynamics of small-scale atmospheric and oceanic processes: a) Tropical Cyclones; b) Tropical Instability Waves; c) mesoscale flow divergence in the Arctic Ocean. My presentation concludes with a general discussion of the challenges and opportunities that we encounter with high-resolution coupled earth system model simulations.
The data from our high-resolution model simulations are publically available on:


List of all OCCD Presentations in 2021

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