Furst, S茅verine
Postdoc Researcher in Physical Volcanology
Research Division 4: Dynamics of the Ocean Floor
Research Unit Marine Geodynamics
Room: 8B-204
Phone: +49 431 600-2566
Email: sfurst(at)geomar.de
Wischhofstra脽e 1-3
D-24148 Kiel
Research Interests
- Physical Volcanology
- Geodesy
- Numerical modelling
- Dynamics of magma transfert
- Volcano flank instabilities
- Natural Hazards
- Analog Modeling
- Science outreach and communication
Education and Career
02/2022-present: Post-doc researcher in Physical Volcanology at 91探花, Germany
01/2020-01/2022: Post-doc researcher in Physical Volcanology at ISTerre Le Bourget du Lac, France
11/2018-07/2019: Post-doc researcher in geodesy with Total and the University of Montpellier, France
08/2017-09/2017: Scientific visit at USGS for volcano modelling, USA
10/2015-09/2018: PhD in Geophysics, University of Montpellier, France
鈥Multi-objective optimization for joint inversion of geodetic data鈥
02/2014-06/2014: Intern in the Volcanology group of GNS Science, New Zealand
2014: MSc. in Geophysics, University of Strasbourg, France
2013: Intern in petrophysics at Aberdeen University, Aberdeen, UK
2012: Intern in volcanology at INGV, Catania, Italy
2011-2015: Engineer in Geophysics, EOST-University of Strasbourg , France
2011: International Volunteering in Oregon Caves National Monument (USA)
2009-2012: BSc. In Geosciences, University of Strasbourg, France
Spring 2021: Teaching assistant in Earth Sciences, University of Savoie Mont-Blanc, France
- Bachelor course: Numerical modeling with Matlab
10/2016-06/2018: Teaching assistant in Earth Sciences, University of Montpellier , France
- Bachelor and Master courses: Geology, cartography, geophysics, numerical modelling,
- Highschool: Scientific outreach (workshops, seminars)
01/2015-06/2015: Middle school lecturer, in Biology and Earth Sciences, Versailles-Cr茅teil Academy, France
Proposals funded
2024-2025: Hubert Curien Partnership (PHC) France-Germany PROCOPE award - 8587鈧
Project: VOLFRAC, Investigating Volcanic Rock Fracture Toughness for Volcano Edifice Stability
PIs: M. J. Heap (ITES Strasbourg) and S茅verine Furst (91探花 Kiel, Allemagne)
2024: 91探花 Flexible Funds for Public Engagement and Science communication - 5000鈧
Project: WAVES, underWater geohAzards: Volcanoes, Earthquakes and tSunamis
PI: S茅verine Furst
Peer Reviewed Articles
Furst S. , Pinel V., Volcanica, Vol. 7 No. 1 (2024)
Furst S. , Urlaub M., Klein E., Bonanati C., . Front. Earth Sci. Sec. Volcanology Volume 11 (2023)
Furst S. , Maccaferri F., Pinel V., . Journal of Geophysical Research : Solid Earth (2023)
Pinel V., Furst S., Maccaferri F., Smittarello D., . Front. Earth Sci., (2022)
Furst S., Doucet S., Vernant P., Champollion C., Carme J.-L., . Solid Earth (2021)
Smittarello D., Pinel V., Maccaferri F., Furst S., Rivalta E., Cayol V. . Techtonophysics, 812 (2021)
Furst S., Chery J., Peyret M., Mohammadi B., . Journal of Geodesy (2020)
Furst S., Chery J., Mohammadi B., Peyret M., . Journal of Geodesy (2019)
Furst S., Peyret M., Ch茅ry J., Mohammadi B., . Tectonophysics, 746 (2018) 364-383