Prof. Dr. Stephan Juricke

Ocean Circulation and Climate Dynamics
Ocean Dynamics

Room No.: 3.311, Building 5 (ENB)
Phone: +49 431 600 4003
E-mail: sjuricke(at)

91探花 Helmholtz Centre for Ocean Research
Wischhofstr. 1 - 3
24148 Kiel

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Theoretical oceanography with a focus on numerical ocean and climate modelling, data science applications and the role of scale interactions in the ocean and climate system.

Scientific foci include
i) the circulation in the Atlantic, Pacific, and the Antarctic Circumpolar Current,
ii) the global relevance of oceanic eddies, turbulence, and upwelling,
iii) the interaction of different physical processes and their role in ocean mixing,
iv) scale interactions between ocean and atmosphere,
and v) the general role of the oceans in the climate system.

Model development and data science are essential methods to better understand the relevance and role of these physical processes. Related foci are parameterization and numerical core development, high resolution data analysis, and the role and incorporation of model uncertainties.


Current research interests and projects

July 2016 鈥 June 2028

We are developing novel sub grid-scale parameterizations for the representation of mesoscale eddies in global ocean models. Idealized configurations are used to better understand the energy cycle in the ocean and to consequently aid our parameterization development. The work also includes the designs of new diagnostics to analyse scale interactions in the ocean. The overall goal is the improved representation of ocean dynamics and variability as well as water mass properties and an overall better simulated global climate. While approaches are transferable, the focus is on the ocean model FESOM2.

We use novel diagnostic methods to analyze the scale distribution of the atmosphere-ocean fluxes in high resolution climate models. This will shed light on the scales at which the ocean is driving the atmosphere and vice versa. It will also help us to develop new stochastic atmosphere-ocean coupling parameterizations. The focus is on global climate models AWI-CM3 and ICON.

June 2024 鈥 May 2027

The project is part of BMBF funding initiative WarmWorld and aims to extend the usability of a widely applied Lagrangian particle tracking toolbox, , to ocean models with hexagonal and triangular grids such as ICON and FESOM2. It will intercompare three models, ICON, FESOM2 and NEMO, regarding their simulated particle paths in the Atlantic, employing a range of resolutions that enable various oceanic processes to be either parameterized or resolved. This will enable us to investigate which role these processes play in the distribution of water masses across the Atlantic.


June 2022 鈥 May 2025

The project develops an improved parameterization for mesoscale eddies at coarser resolution at which these processes cannot be explicitly resolved. It applies machine learning approaches, namely neural networks, to achieve this goal. It also aims to incorporate parameterization uncertainty by employing probabilistic methods.



Scientific (selection)

  • Juricke, S., S. Danilov, N. Koldunov, M. Oliver, W. Cabos, D. Sidorenko, and Q. Wang, 2020: A Kinematic Kinetic Energy Backscatter Parametrization: From implementation to global ocean simulations, Journal of Advances in Modeling Earth Systems, 12(12),
  • Juricke, S., S. Danilov, N. Koldunov, M. Oliver, D. Sidorenko, 2020: Ocean Kinetic Energy Backscatter Parametrization on Unstructured Grids: Impact on Global Eddy鈥怭ermitting simulations, Journal of Advances in Modeling Earth Systems, 12(1),
  • Rackow, T., and S. Juricke, 2019: Flow鈥恉ependent stochastic coupling for climate models with high ocean鈥恡o鈥恆tmosphere resolution ratio, Quarterly Journal of the Royal Meteorological Society, 146(726), 284鈥300.
  • Juricke, S., D. MacLeod, A. Weisheimer, L. Zanna, and T. Palmer, 2018: Seasonal to annual ocean forecasting skill and the role of model and observational uncertainty, Quarterly Journal of the Royal Meteorological Society, 144(715), 1947鈥1964,
  • Juricke, S., P. Lemke, R. Timmermann, and T. Rackow, 2013: Effects of stochastic ice strength perturbation on Arctic finite element sea ice modeling, Journal of Climate, 26(11), 3785鈥3802,

Non-scientific (selection)

  • Juricke, S., illustrated by T. Rackow, 2021: Endangered. But still there is hope. In Once upon a time... a scientific fairy tale, volume II, in or
  • Armin, I., and S. Juricke, 2020: Wie ein Klimamodell entsteht. Spektrum der Wissenschaft, 11/2020, in German []
  • Juricke, S., and B. Suckow, 2020: Die Klimakatastrophe ist kein Parkticket. Makronom, October 2020, in German [, freely available at ]

More publications can be accessed via . The scientific resume will be linked at a later date.



Public outreach and "art & science"


  • Co-organizer 鈥溾, science presentations from over 100 scientists []
  • Core Team AWIs4Future [, ]
  • Storyboard development and scriptwriting for outreach short films in collaboration with the company explainity []
  • Storyboard development and script writing for the outreach website "Scrollytelling" in collaboration with studio ahoi []
  • Storyboard support and interview for Pen&Paper "Climate Futures - Port of no Return?" []