Research Submersible JAGO

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Past projects since 2006

04.02. - 19.02.2020 Mediterranean / Aeolian Islands, Catania (Sicily) - La Seyne sur mer (France)

  • R/V ALKOR (AL533) JAGO-AUV-FieldTrials
  • Chief scientist: Karen Hissmann, 91̽»¨ Kiel
  • Location: Aeolian Islands, Vulcano, Stromboli
  • Objectives: Mutuel field trials, pilot and operational training of two autonomous underwater vehicles at 91̽»¨ - the manned research submersible JAGO and the two Hover-AUVs ANTON und LUISE (type Girona500) - under offshore conditions and in underwater terrain with structural complexity, to water depths of 500 meter

04.02. - 24.02.2019 Cape Verde, Mindelo-Mindelo

  • Chief scientists: Henk-Jan Hoving, 91̽»¨ Kiel
  • Location: Cape Verdean islands Santo Antao, Fogo, CVOO
  • Objectives: In situ observations and collections of organisms living in the water column off the Cape Verde Islands to investigate their ecology and role in deep-sea carbonat transport.

21.07. - 11.08.2018 Skagerrak (Norway) + North Sea, Bergen - Bremerhaven

  • Chief scientist: Jens Greinert, 91̽»¨ Kiel
  • Location: Deep water coral reefs at the border between Norway and Sweden (Skagerrak), methane seep site south of the Dutch part of the Dogger-Bank in the North Sea
  • Objectives: Applying semi-autonomous subsea optical monitoring for methane seepage and cold water coral studies in the North Sea

27.06. - 20.07.2018 Norway, Bergen - Bergen

  • Chief scientist: Janina Büscher, 91̽»¨ Kiel
  • Location: Deep water coral reefs in fjords and on the shelf along the Norwegian coast
  • Objectives: Food web dynamics and ecosystem interactions in cold-water coral reefs off Norway: in situ measurements of organic matter and nutrient cycling and predator-prey relationships

13.02. - 02.03.2018 Cape Verde, Mindelo-Mindelo

  • Chief scientists: Henk-Jan Hoving & Björn Fiedler, 91̽»¨ Kiel
  • Location: Cape Verdean islands Santo Antao, Fogo, Santiago, CVOO
  • Objectives: In situ observations and collections to investigate deep pelagic ecology in Cape Verde waters

2017 - General overhaul and technical field trials

07.06. - 29.06.2016 Spitsbergen / Norway

  • Chief scientist: Max Wisshak - Senckenberg am Meer
  • Location: Mosselbukta North-Spitsbergen und Bjørnøy-Banken South-Spitsbergen
  • Objectives: ARCA - Arctic Carbonates - Habitat characteristics and carbonate cycling of macrophyte-supported polar carbonate factories (Svalbard - coralline red algae)

04.02. - 15.02.2016 Canary Islands / Spain

  • Chief scientist: Dietrich Lange and Mark Hannington 91̽»¨ Kiel
  • Location: El Hierro / Canary Islands (Spain)
  • Objectives: Investigations at the 2011/2012 formed underwater volcano off south El Hierro

19.03. - 26.03.2015 Germany, Walchensee

  • shore based
  • Chief scientist: JAGO-Team 91̽»¨ Kiel and E.ON Power Stations
  • Location: Walchensee / Upper Bavaria
  • Objectives: In situ inspection and 3D-documentation of inflow tunnel between the freshwater lake Walchensee and the water power station Walchenseekraftwerk in Kochel

13.10. - 21.11.2014 Namibia, Cape Town - Cape Town

  • with RV S.A. AGULHAS II (South Africa)
  • Party Chief: Graham Esterhuizen, De Beers Marine South Africa
  • Location: southwest coast Namibia
  • Objectives: Direct seafloor observation (ground truthing) - geology, efficiency and environmental impact of submarine mining in the offshore diamond mining area off the Orange River mouth

14.08. - 04.09.2014 Norway

  • Chief scientist: Armin Form, 91̽»¨ Kiel
  • Location: Trondheimfjord, Sula Ridge (Middle Norway)
  • Objectives: Cold water coral reefs - Documentation and recovery of experiments and instruments for in situ investigations of coral growth rates, environmental parameter and bioerosion (BMBF-Project BIOACID II)

24.06. - 18.07.2013 Norway

  • Chief scientist: Armin Form, 91̽»¨ Kiel
  • Location: Trondheimfjord, Sula Ridge (Middle Norway)
  • Objectives: Documentation and sampling at cold water coral reefs off Norway for investigations on the effects of CO2-caused climate change (BMBF-Project BIOACID II)

08.04. - 10.04.2013 Bay of Eckernfoerde / Baltic Sea

  • FS ALKOR (AL412b)
  • Chief scientist: Gerd Hoffmann-Wieck, 91̽»¨ Kiel
  • Location: Bay of Eckernfoerde / Baltic Sea
  • Objectives: Media outreach and investigations on the impact of bottom trawling in the Baltic Sea

11.08. - 13.09.2012 Svalbard / Norway

  • with RV MARIA S. MERIAN (MSM21/4)
  • Chief scientist: Christian Berndt, 91̽»¨ Kiel
  • Location: Submarine gas seeps off western Spitsbergen
  • Objectives: Documentation and sampling at submarine gas seeps at the upper limit of the gas hydrate stability zone

27.03. - 23.04.2012 Saudi Arabia / Red Sea

  • with RV PELAGIA (NIOZ / NL) (64PE350b + 351)
  • Chief scientists: Mark Schmidt, 91̽»¨ Kiel (350b); Ali Aidaroos, King Abdulaziz University Jeddah (KAU), Saudi Arabia and Benjamin Kürten, 91̽»¨ Kiel (351)
  • Location: Red Sea, off Saudi Arabian coast
  • Objectives: Jeddah-Transect Project - multidisciplinary investigation of the Red Sea, Cooperation between 91̽»¨, KAU, GIZ (German Society of International Cooperation)

03.09. - 30.09.2011 Norway

  • with RV POSEIDON (POS420)
  • Chief scientist: Armin Form, IFM-91̽»¨ Kiel
  • Location: Cold water coral reefs along the Norwegian shelf
  • Objectives: Documentation and sampling of cold water corals for experiments on ocean acidification

31.03. - 14.04.2011 Baleric Islands, Mediterranean

  • with RV GARCIA DEL CID Spain
  • Chief scientist: Josep-Maria Gili, ICM Institut de Ciències del Mar (CMIMA-CSIC) Barcelona, Spain
  • Location: Street between Mallorca and Menorca
  • Objectives: EU-Project LIFE INDEMARES Marine Protected Areas (MPAs) in the western Mediterranean: Inventory and designation of marine Nature 2000 areas in the Spanish sea

03.09. - 14.09.2010 Baleric Islands, Mediterranean

  • with RV GARCIA DEL CID Spain
  • Chief scientist: Josep-Maria Gili, ICM Institut de Ciències del Mar (CMIMA-CSIC) Barcelona, Spain
  • Location: Street between Mallorca and Menorca
  • Objectives: EU-Project LIFE Marine Protected Areas (MPAs) in the western Mediterranean: Inventory and designation of marine Nature 2000 areas in the Spanish sea

06.06. - 20.06.2010 Cap de Creus, Mediterranean

  • with RV GARCIA DEL CID Spain
  • Chief scientist: Josep-Maria Gili, ICM Institut de Ciències del Mar (CMIMA-CSIC) Barcelona, Spain
  • Location: Cap de Creus Canyon (Golf of Lion) and shelf
  • Objectives: EU-Project LIFE Marine Protected Areas (MPAs) in the western Mediterranean: Inventory and designation of marine Nature 2000 areas in the Spanish sea

11.04. - 08.05.2010 Black Sea / Ukraine

  • with RV M.S.MERIAN (MSM15/1)
  • Chief scientist: Antje Boetius, Max Planck Institute for Marine Microbiology Bremen
  • Location: Ukrainian shelf west of crimea peninsula
  • Objectives: EU-Project HYPOX In situ montitoring of oxygen depletion in hypoxic (low oxygen) ecosystms of coastal and open seas, and land-locked water bodies

30.08. - 29.09.2009 Norway

  • with RV POSEIDON (POS391)
  • Chief scientist: Armin Form / Ulf Riebesell IFM-91̽»¨ Kiel
  • Location: Cold water coral reefs along the Norwegian shelf
  • Objectives: Documentation and sampling of cold water corals for experiments on ocean acidification

01.06. - 01.07.2009 Tahiti / South Pacific

  • with MV BRAVEHEART (New Zealand)
  • Chief scientist: Christian Dullo IFM-91̽»¨ Kiel
  • Location: Tahiti / French Polynesia
  • Objectives: The last deglacial sea-level and climate changes, records from coral reefs around Tahiti

22.10. - 03.12.2008 Western Indian Ocean (Comoros and Tanzania)

  • with MV SOLAND (Kenya)
  • Chief scientist: Hans Fricke IFM-91̽»¨ Kiel
  • Location: Comoro Archipelago, south coast Tanzania, Zanzibar, Pemba
  • Objectives: Populationbiology and Biogeography of the living coelacanth Latimeria chalumnae

08.03. - 25.03.2008 Norway

  • with RV ALKOR (AL316)
  • Chief scientist: Ulf Riebesell IFM-91̽»¨ Kiel
  • Location: cold water coral reefs NE-Skagerrak and Sula Ridge
  • Objectives: Documentation and collection of cold water corals for investigations on ocean acidification

23.10. - 01.11.2007 Alpine Lake

  • landbased operation
  • Chief scientist: Hans Fricke IFM-91̽»¨ Kiel and MPI Bremen
  • Location: Austria
  • Objectives: Microbiology of a deep anoxic fresh water lake; documentation and sampling of bacterial mats at the lake bottom; collaboration with the Max-Planck Institute for Marine Microbiology Bremen

04.09. - 17.09.2007 NE Mediterranean, Barcelona - Barcelona

  • with RV GARCIA DEL CID (Spain)
  • Chief scientist: Instituto de Ciencias del Mar Barcelona, Spain (C. Orejas and J.-M. Gili)
  • Location: northeastern Mediterranean, Golf of Lion, Cap de Creus Canyon
  • Objectives: EU Projekt HERMES; Biodiversity and distribution of cold water corals in a submarine canyon with strong sediment mass transport, documentation and sampling of macrobenthos, measurements of oceanographic parameters.

04.09. - 17.09.2007 Norway, Bremerhaven - Tromsoe

  • with RV POLARSTERN (PS ARK 22/1a)
  • Chief scientist: Jörn Thiede, AWI Bremerhaven
  • IFM-91̽»¨: Sascha Flögel, Andres Rüggeberg
  • Location: Norwegian shelf, Roest Reef und Traena Reef south of Lofoten Islands, Sotbakken north of Tromsoe
  • Objectives: EU Projekt Hermes; Exploration of the wide-stretched cold water coral reefs south and north of the Lofoten Islands, biodiversity and microbiology of sponges inside and in the vicinity of the reefs, measurements of oceanographic parameters.

01.04. - 01.05.2007 Namibia, Cape Town - Cape Town

  • with RV ALGOA (South Africa)
  • Party Chief: Leonard Ricketts, De Beers Marine South Africa
  • Location: southwest coast Namibia
  • Objectives: Direct seafloor observation (ground truthing) and investigation of sediments and rock outcrop within the offshore diamond mining area on the continental shelf off the Orange River mouth

10.10. - 02.11.2006 North Sea, Kiel - Kiel

  • with RV ALKOR (AL290)
  • Chief scientist: Olaf Pfannkuche IFM-91̽»¨ Kiel
  • Location: northern and mid North Sea (Norway and UK), Gullfaks oil- and Tommeliten gasfield
  • Objectives: Investigation and sampling of natural methan gas seeps and exploration of a "Blow Out" methan gas eruption crater

31.07. - 17.08.2006 Spitsbergen (Svalbard), Longyearbyen - Longyearbyen

  • Chief scientist: André Freiwald, IPAL University Erlangen
  • IFM-91̽»¨: Andres Rüggeberg, A. Form, M. Meyerhöfer
  • Location: Svalbard (Spitsbergen), North Cape of Nordaustlandet, Hinlopen Strait
  • Objectives: Exploration of the Spitsbergen Shelf, coralline red algal reefs (rhodolith banks) as climate archives, carbonate production and climate changes in polar ecosystems

24.03. - 31.03.2006 Olso Fjord, Norway

  • with RV ALKOR (AL275)
  • Chief scientist: Ulf Riebesell IFM-91̽»¨ Kiel
  • Location: Cold water corals reefs in the Oslo Fjord, NE-Skagerrak
  • Objectives: Documentation and sampling of cold water corals for experiments on the effects of ocean acidification