The following tools are generally available to all users of ROV KIEL 6000:
Permanently mounted:
- CTD FastCAT SBE 49 (Seabird)
- Manipulators Orion and Rigmaster
- Open Drawer Box, individually compartmentable, hydraulically driven
- Sample Tray, hydraulically driven, individually fittable with additional tools
- Forward Looking Sonar MS 1000 (Kongsberg)
Optional (available on request)
- Handnets with cutting edge; mesh sizes 500 µm and 1000 µm; in addition, heat-resistant nets (mesh size 2000 µm) are available
- Pushcores (in open drawer box or in mobile "six-packs")
- Slurp Gun (suction sampler) with 8 separate sampling containers
- Larvae / Plankton sampler
- Niskin-Bottles (5 litres each)
- Chain Saw
- Biobarrels (with sealing lid) and further boxes with and without lids
- Chisel
- Recovery Hook (for attaching and recovering e.g. landers and/or their weights)
- Cutting scissor blade as well as simple knife
- Homer beacons (for localisation of deployed instruments)
- Ocean Elevator (available only on request with Dr Peter Linke ); serves for transport of additional tools, instruments and samples to enhance the ROVs capacities
Additional instruments and tools have been used and deployed, but are only available on special request.
In case of more detailed questions please contact Dr Fritz Abegg or Dr Inken Suck.
Photos (unless otherwise noted): ROV Team 91̽»¨; for enquiries on utilisation of image material please contact Public Relations Dept 91̽»¨ or Dr. Friedrich Abegg.