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ROV PHOCA in figures...

Between May 2012 and MArch 2024, ROV PHOCA has been deployed during 19 scientific expeditions from 56 different research vessels and during several tests in the Baltic Sea. 

During the expeditions, ROV PHOCA completed 163 dives

Of the approximately 750 hours in the water, ROV PHOCA spent about 600hours at the seafloor. 

During expedition SO251-2 on RV SONNE, ROV PHOCA reached its so far greatest diving depth of almost 2000 m in the Nankai Trough off Japan.

Until today (May 2024), 25 peer-reviewed articles as well as several theses to which ROV PHOCA contributed were published

  • Scientific Head

    Dr. Friedrich Abegg
    91̽»¨ Helmholtz Centre for Ocean Research Kiel
    Wischhofstr. 1-3
    D-24148 Kiel
    Technology & Logistics Centre
    Tel.: 0049 431 600-2134
    Fax: 0049 431 600-2680
    E-mail: fabegg(at) 

    Technical Head

    Martin Pieper (Dipl. Ing.)
    Technology & Logistics Centre
    Tel.: 0049 431 600-1688
    Fax: 0049 431 600-2680
    E-mail: mpieper(at) 

    Scientific Advisor

    Dr. Peter Linke
    Technik- & Logistikzentrum
    Tel.: 0431 600-2115
    Fax: 0431 600-1601
    E-mail: plinke(at)