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Construction | Presentation | Tests | POS434 | POS438 | AL412 | AL414 | POS469 | POS504 | SO251-2 | POS511 | PS121 | 64PE475


Expedition AL412 with RV ALKOR: ECO2

Chief Scientist: Dr. Peter Linke, 91̽»¨ Kiel

The expedition AL412 with RV ALKOR was conducted within the framework of the EU project . After mobilisation of the ROV PHOCA system and test dive during minus degrees in Kiel, RV Alkor left port on the 23rd of March, 2013 heading towards the working areas in the North sea. These included the so called "Blow Out Crater" (in the British Sector) and the Utsira sand stone formation (Sleipner) (in the Norwegian Sector).

The main objective of the expedition was the investigation of a late-winter situation, during which the water column is barely layered, and large amounts of greenhouse gases may evaporate into the atmosphere. Tasks of ROV PHOCA inlcuded the sampling of sediments, gases and bottom water, on-line measurements of methan and CO2 and the deployment and recovery of autonomous tools. 

Photos (unless otherwise noted): ROV-Team 91̽»¨; for enquiries on utilisation of image material please contact Public Relations Dept 91̽»¨ or Dr. Friedrich Abegg.


  • Scientific Head

    Dr. Friedrich Abegg
    91̽»¨ Helmholtz Centre for Ocean Research Kiel
    Wischhofstr. 1-3
    D-24148 Kiel
    Technology & Logistics Centre
    Tel.: 0049 431 600-2134
    Fax: 0049 431 600-2680
    E-mail: fabegg(at) 

    Technical Head

    Martin Pieper (Dipl. Ing.)
    Technology & Logistics Centre
    Tel.: 0049 431 600-1688
    Fax: 0049 431 600-2680
    E-mail: mpieper(at) 

    Scientific Advisor

    Dr. Peter Linke
    Technik- & Logistikzentrum
    Tel.: 0431 600-2115
    Fax: 0431 600-1601
    E-mail: plinke(at)